Wpf refresh usercontrol Note. In C# you cannot inherit from 2 classes like in C++. Xaml i having a ContentControl like below, 2. We have to add the following line within Window 2 days ago · Remove border line on groupbox WPFis there a way to remove the border line on group box or just make Feb 26, 2025 · The WinUI 3 Gallery app includes interactive examples of most WinUI 3 controls, features, and functionality. Dec 19, 2023 · Follow the steps below. Like as: And showing in the grid control like as: And now i want to refresh data of this user control on the button click for that We will show updated functionality on this page. Sometimes, you may need to force an update to the UI elements to reflect changes immediately. Example. Refresh(); Oct 8, 2023 · View Example: ASPxGridView - How to update an external control during a callback View Example: ASPxGridView - How to refresh a master grid when a detail grid has been updated The JSProperties property allows you to pass values of the following types: null, DBNull, ValueType, string, IDictionary, and IEnumerable. Triggers. This repository contains . Apr 27, 2007 · I have a user control within that page that holds everything (View. To add pull-to-refresh functionality to a list requires just a few steps. In short, at runtime, we're going to load a UserControl from a RibbonButton. To further clarify, the sign up form is a custom user control as well. private void UserControl1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox. BenTam 1,761 Reputation points. We are going to use the custom User Control within a XAML window. NET, WinForms, HTML5 or Windows 10, DevExpress tools help you build and deliver your best in the shortest time possible. Refresh方法的具体用法?C# UserControl. Refresh 方法。 在WPF应用程序中 (使用MVVM),我们创建称为视图模型的自定义类对象,这些对象包含 UserControl s和/ 我们尝试了许多刷新方法,但都失败了。 我们尝试过: 将代码中设置Text属性改为绑定模式。 如何强制刷新这些控件? 1 (x as UIElement)。 InvalidateMeasure () - patrick. "); By Mirek on 7/16/2015 (tags: dependency property, user control, WPF, categories: code) Recently I struggled on my user control trying to make the dependency property be updated when I change the source of the binding. 3166667+00:00. Contribute to Super0Lan/ControlDesign development by creating an account on GitHub. NET(VS2008)实现 Web网页动态装载User Controls 控件程序例子,解决控件切换加载显示丢失的问题,可动态切换加载不同用户控件。 Aug 20, 2024 · By utilizing techniques such as the Dispatcher, INotifyPropertyChanged interface, and refreshing data bindings, you can force UI updates when needed. Feb 23, 2020 · wpf的界面功能很强大,尤其是其绑定机制天然的支持mvvm模式,这样使得界面和业务逻辑可以完全分离,大大提高了自定义控件的灵活性和通用性。在做视频剪辑工具的时候是需要尺子控件的,在wpf中很容易实现一个自 Oct 25, 2013 · Download source code - 16. NET MAUI, WPF, UWP, and WinUI 3 apps. ; Handle the RefreshRequested event to refresh your content. Refresh方法。在WPF应用程序中(使用MVVM),我们创建称为视图模型的自定义类对象,这些对象包含 Jan 30, 2025 · Private Sub navigateRefreshButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) Me. In WPF DataGrid, you can disable editing for particular columns by setting the AllowEditing property to False. xaml, and the Code-behind ends with . Mode = TwoWay。 Apr 8, 2016 · 重新绑定一下数据源就可以了,不用重新新建一个UserControl,新建了一个就不是原来那个了,运行时界面上当然不会出现,除非你把它会在界面上什么位置出现给重新设定了。 Feb 29, 2012 · 文章浏览阅读998次。Refresh / Update WPF controlsSometime in the past, a friend asked me how to update a control to show status while his code is doing a loop of stuff. Here's an example of how you can implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface:. On every inheritance level you include design via Style. Content will be a UserControl which is set from code behind like below. But you can't do that, as Window is the top pest control in the visual tree, the Window cannot have another window as a child. So make sure all the viewModel properties you bind to are Dependency Properties or implement INotifyPropertyChanged (and handled correctly) and also that their Binding. We'll start with a very simple Jul 26, 2016 · I have an "DevExpress Usercontrol with Grid Control". 5k次,点赞11次,收藏11次。文章介绍了在WPF中更新UI的四种方法,包括全局、当前界面、当前控件和带权限检查的控件级更新。作者讨论了每种方法的优缺点,并倾向于认为直接针对目标控件更新资源消耗最少。 Feb 7, 2012 · public FieldUserControl() { InitializeComponent(); this. This article demonstrates how to bind a WPF UserControl with MainWindow and also call a UserControl inside another UserControl. Refresh : unit -> unit Public Overridable Sub Refresh 继承者说明 在派生类中重写 Refresh() 时,请务必调用基类的 Refresh() 方法,使控件及其子控件失效并重新绘制。 Feb 6, 2012 · This blog post will walk through a simple example, showing you how to create a user control, add dependency properties, wire them to the user control XAML and make a truly re-useable control. Essentially changing the text of a label (or s_wpf this. WPF UserControl realize virtualization ListView element supported changing, sorting and filtering. However, I would like the ability to refresh the custom user control AFTER the Finish button is pressend and AFTER the user is created in the db. g. Steps. Drag an instance of UserControl1 onto the form. Feb 9, 2020 · Hello, Welcome to our Microsoft Q&A platform! When you change one or more properties which bind with control in ListViewItem, you just need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and PropertyChanged event to make your viewmodel observable. You can find the attached sample solution for the reference. Dear All, I made the textbox and button overlap Aug 21, 2014 · 这个答案是想让你了解一下WPF应用程序是如何工作的,但我不想教你WPF 。那是你的工作。正如@HighCore正确指出的那样,没有UserControl. 8k次,点赞2次,收藏11次。WPF强制刷新UI界面需求代码块需求在当前ViewModel类中执行某种数据列表的操作,希望View中绑定的Model类随着数据列表的改表实时刷新在View的界面上,我们可以定义一个界面强制刷新的方法,每当 Jun 17, 2015 · 我正在嘗試為用戶控件做一個簡單的OneWay綁定,但是老實說,我不明白為什么某些部分不能正常工作。 為簡單起見,我創建了具有某些依賴項屬性的WPF標准UserControl。 在主窗口中,根據某些事件隱藏 顯示UserControl,並將屬性綁定到主窗口 Créer et utiliser un contrôle utilisateur (UserControl) Les contrôles utilisateurs, représentés en WPF par la classe UserControl, consistent à regrouper le balisage et le code en créant un conteneur réutilisable qui, avec la même interface et les mêmes fonctionnalités, pourra être utilisé à différents endroits et même par plusieurs applications. Aug 11, 2021 · WPF 里没这个,尽管可用委托实现多线程,但是刷新还是不行! 后来找到了 类似App. void navigateRefreshButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this. But after first placing the normal button on top of it, or dragging the normal button, the user control does not draw properly as below. In this blog post, we will explore various methods to achieve this in your C# WPF projects. Related GitHub Examples The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples ) contains a reference to the Refresh() method. . Within the control View. Mar 1, 2025 · public: virtual void Refresh(); public virtual void Refresh(); abstract member Refresh : unit -> unit override this. xaml. Windows. - dotnet/docs-desktop The Refresh method recalculates the control’s view information and then invalidates and redraws the control’s client area. When running a long-time function, "Val" is constantly updated, but it is not updated to the 文章浏览阅读4. If the data presenter control is bound to a collection which does not raise property change notifications for its data items, e. I have open "Entry Form and I have reload "User Control Grid" after closing the Entry HTML5 or iOS & Android development. Recommended Articles 2 August 2024 How to hire remote Laravel developers? How do you call a user control in WPF? Call User Controls In Main Window Using WPF. resx)入手,于是我先尝试了最简单的方法。在项目中,我创建了一个Resources文件夹,添加了两个资源文件: Oct 12, 2017 · DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. Then via a button within the UserControl, the Creating & using a UserControl Data binding Introduction to WPF data binding Hello, bound world! Using the DataContext Data binding via Code-behind However, since WPF is pretty good at controlling this for you, the default value should suffice for most cases, where you will get the best mix of a constantly updated UI and good performance. Refresh 方法强制控件使其工作区无效并立即重绘自己和任何子控件。反编译源码:public virtual void Refresh(){ this. Nov 18, 2021 · 在 WPF 最主要的就是渲染,因为 WPF 是一个界面框架。想用一篇博客就能告诉大家完整的 WPF 渲染原理是不可能的。 本文告诉大家 WPF 从开发者告诉如何画图像到在屏幕显示的过程。 本文是从一个很高的地方来看渲染的过程,在本文之后会添加很多博客来告诉大家渲染的 Feb 26, 2020 · 用户控件2与其类似,整体效果如下 源码下载地址:https://github. Calling the RefreshDataSource method makes sense only when the bound data source doesn’t support the IBindingList interface. Mode = TwoWay. UserControl类UserControl. Call the RefreshDataSource method to update data displayed within the grid control’s GridControl. Render, EmptyDelegate); } } //call on any UI Element like so: //element. Update();}Control. If you have added the target controllibrary correctly. The method reloads all records from the grid’s associated data source for this purpose. When the value of property changes, it will trigger the PropertyChanged event and Jun 18, 2024 · Introduction. Show("You are in the UserControl. Refresh方法的4个 Oct 18, 2021 · There’s no native way to assign that to different events like e. Maybe when PropertyChanged event is invoked, the system just pend UI update task into the Dispatcher and not update UI imediately? If its so, then I don't need to save the data first then let the GameWorld task run then NotifyChanged, and can implement my viewmodel classes normaly (invoking PropertyChanged event when A mod manager for BTD6. When Save is pressed, it triggers an event. Mar 10, 2011 · WPF UserControl样式 - 如果控件位于外部程序集中,如何从父项设置样式?在WPF中,可以通过使用资源字典和合适的命名空间来从父项设置样式。下面是一些步骤: 在父项中创建一个资源字典,用于定义样式。可以在XAML文件中的Window或UserControl Nov 29, 2018 · 文章浏览阅读7. We can reuse the user control and validation logic anywhere in the application now. To refresh cells in a specific data row, call the DataControlBase. Description. Refresh(); · Reload to refresh your session. Load event. Invalidate(true); this. Invalidate 方法使控件的特定区域无效并向控件发送绘制消息。 Remarks. An application consists of many forms. Right click in the VS Solution Explorer -> Add Feb 18, 2025 · The way to make controls live update in WPF is by TwoWay databinding. Mar 1, 2025 · Controls in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) support rich content, styles, triggers, and templates. ascx, is one more control (Add. xaml 使用的时候直接 List Fruits` ,不用做额 Jun 10, 2014 · My user control is fine, if I put a normal button on top of it and then click on the form. cs - just like a Window. You can do so with the benefit of the running app's data context, authentication state, and other real-world complexity that's hard to simulate during design-time. 2023-12-20T03:51:29. 8 hours ago · data binding - WPF Databinding inside <Usercontrol> header not working - Stack Overflow 首页 建站资讯 SEO优化 小程序 网站建设 数码科技 软件介绍 系统教程 questions 登录 注册 JustNews 首页 questions data binding - WPF Databinding inside < Jan 24, 2009 · Now we can create a WPF application and use our custom user control in it. Generally, you only need to rebuild the form to update it. DoEvents()的方法(); 代码: public partial class App : Application { privat 【转】【WPF】WPF强制刷新界面 - 梦琪小生 - 博客园 Jan 5, 2016 · I have created a user control with a popup. The end result is I get a page refresh when a task is completed and the task still runs asychronously. Solution. How to fix this problem? If possible May 18, 2022 · Case 1 : ContentControl with UserControl binding. In this sample program, the main default page subs Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. For the sake of this post I simplified the Creating & using a UserControl Data binding Introduction to WPF data binding Hello, bound world! Using the DataContext Data binding via Code-behind What we need is a list that notifies any destinations of changes to its content, and fortunately, WPF provides a type of list that will do just that. WPF UserControl Design. With XAML Hot Reload, you can incrementally build and test XAML code for your . Wrap your list in a RefreshContainer control. Explore effective techniques for mastering WPF user control events and enhance your application's responsiveness and user experience. This example loads an external Window and UserControl into DocumentPanels in three ways: Mar 2, 2025 · public: virtual void Refresh(); public virtual void Refresh(); abstract member Refresh : unit -> unit override this. However, now our value has disappeared! Again, this is a DataContext issue, the binding in our user control is on a Shoesize property, whilst the DataContext is now the FieldUserControl instance. Pass a RowHandle as a parameter. May 5, 2016 · I am showing user control on the popup. For Inheritance you must use CustomControls. Oct 29, 2015 · If you’ve ever tried to pull this off, you’ve likely either: pulled your hair out then drank ruthlessly in celebration or ; researched what it takes and said “yeah looks like we’re going with a button” Oct 26, 2015 · This way, the event is caught in MainWindow where I can use Displacher. Implicitly a WPF UserControl inherits from base class UserControl. Thankfully, there is a surprisingly simple solution, called Interaction. 403+00:00. Hello. Invoke to refresh the displayed page. DragOver, so this sounds like our new User Control would need quite some Code Behind in order to wire up any Non-Click-Event with that Command. The custom user control is not wrapping in a RadAjaxPanel. And the ContentCotrol. ascx) for entering a new comment into the database. Dispatcher. Jan 20, 2017 · And we decoupled our main window, user control view and validation logic to different files. Refresh() End Sub 在 GitHub 上与我们协作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有关详细信息,请参阅参与者指南。 Aug 20, 2024 · When developing C# WPF applications, ensuring that the user interface is responsive and up-to-date is crucial for providing a seamless user experience. User Control 2: XAML Design. Refresh(); } You signed in with another tab or window. 1. Reload to refresh your session. 1 day ago · Add a WPF control to a Windows FormOpen Form1 in the Windows Forms Designer. You switched accounts on another tab or window. This will notify the UI to refresh the binding. Incorporate these Jan 25, 2025 · WPF强制刷新UI界面需求代码块需求在当前ViewModel类中执行某种数据列表的操作,希望View中绑定的Model类随着数据列表的改表实时刷新在View的界面上,我们可以定义 Oct 22, 2013 · 我自己写的一个UserControl 连接到数据库后对数据进行读取。问题就是,数据更新之后,界面上没有随着数据更新。我没有找到UserControl的刷新的功能。请问应该怎么做? Jun 16, 2015 · 简单地说,我创建了一个具有一些依赖属性的WPF标准UserControl。 在主窗口中,我根据某些事件隐藏/显示UserControl,并将属性绑定到主窗口视图模型数据。 然而,这样 Aug 22, 2014 · 相关问题 如何在WPF中单击按钮单击时刷新用户控件 - How to refresh user control on the button click in WPF 如何从背后的代码或通过绑定刷新WPF中的自定义用户控件 - How to refresh custom user control in WPF from code behind or by 如何从 Dec 19, 2023 · How to refresh a custom user control after design changes? Control not refreshing. Refresh : unit -> unit Public Overridable Sub Refresh Notes to Inheritors. It's called ObservableCollection, and you May 11, 2021 · In the form, I define a TextBlock object through XAML code and bind it to my custom attribute "Val". Refresh怎么用?C# UserControl. This example shows how to call the Refresh method to refresh the current content in a NavigationWindow. As Mar 1, 2025 · 如何在WPF中使用键盘快捷键 在开发Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 应用程序时,为用户提供快捷键可以极大地提高用户体验。通过合理地使用键盘快捷键,用户可以在不离开键盘的情况下快速执行常用操作。本文将详细介绍如何在WPF应用程序中 Apr 13, 2009 · I am using Sitefinity, so it is essentially a Master Page that I am using. **使用Frame控件**: Frame控件是WPF内置的导航控件,它可以加载并显示Page对象 Oct 6, 2020 · public static class ExtensionMethods { private static readonly Action EmptyDelegate = delegate { }; public static void Refresh(this UIElement uiElement) { uiElement. 3. ascx). Also you can disable editing for particular cells by handling the CurrentCellBeginEdit event. refresh(); Oct 22, 2013 · 我自己写的一个UserControl 连接到数据库后对数据进行读取。问题就是,数据更新之后,界面上没有随着数据更新。我没有找到UserControl的刷新的功能。请问应该怎么做? 不要说重新new一遍UserContrl,我想问有没有类似Refresh,Reload的方法? May 14, 2018 · 通过合理运用 WPF 的布局容器、遵循 UI 设计原则、巧妙使用样式模板以及有效的资源管理,我们能够打造出布局复杂且界面漂亮的 WPF 应用程序。 在实际开发过程中,不断实践和创新,将这些技术灵活运用,一定能为用户带来优质的使用体验。希望本文能为大家在 WPF 复杂页面布局和 UI 设计方面提供 Jan 25, 2025 · 文章浏览阅读5. RefreshRow method. The file that contains the user control also ends with . xaml wpf data-visualization wpf-usercontrol. Aug 8, 2012 · public partial class TestScreen : UserControl { public TestScreen() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WindowScreen ws = new WindowScreen(298); } } c# wpf 4 1 回答 This answer is useful 0 当你调用这个时: Dec 24, 2018 · WPF中自定义控件有两种,一种是继承自control的自定义控件,另一种是继承自UserControl的用户控件。用户控件可以认为是一系列原生控件的集合。本文主要介绍如何创建一个用户控件,以及用户控件的自定义属性和事件 Apr 1, 2021 · So I have the MainWindow in witch I am showing content from some UserControls. So we have to add an extra XAML code. To refresh all cells in the GridControl, use the DataControlBase. You signed out in another tab or window. 6k次。Control. Forms. public class ViewModel : A user control acts much like a WPF Window - an area where you can place other controls, and then a Code-behind file where you can interact with these controls. Aug 27, 2024 · In this article. If that doesn't work, clean and rebuild. In the following code, the Edit mode is 4 days ago · resource properties文件相对路径,WPF#基础1、Wpf中的ResourceDirectoryWPF对象资源的定义和查找每个WPF界面元素都有一个名为Resource的属性,这个属性继承至FrameworkElement类,其类型为ResourceDictionary。ResourceDictionary能够以 . I'm in the process of making a SHELL application that uses Microsoft Ribbon and a single Dockpanel UserControl UIPanel. I can make at a button click in the UserControl content to change to another UserControl or the MainWindow? WPF change the UserControl from inside another. Invoke(DispatcherPriority. And my UserControl is having an TextBlock and TextBlock. If the answer is the right solution, please click " Aug 21, 2014 · 正如@HighCore正确指出的那样,没有 UserControl. Apr 1, 2023 · (This is where the issue begins) Step 4: Making changes to this UserControl element properties in EITHER THE MAIN WINDOW OR THE MODELESS WINDOW (both with the same referenced user control) will update and refresh the element properties in BOTH windows. Whether using WPF, ASP. In many cases, these features allow you to create custom and consistent experiences without having to create a new control. When overriding Refresh() in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's Refresh() method so the control and its child controls are invalidated and Jul 28, 2022 · As WPF has the Dispatcher. A bit about WPF with MVVM: Even though Now, there might be a question in your mind: Why do we need UserControl to serve the reusability purpose? We can directly reuse another Window. 4 days ago · 我的项目是一个基于WPF和MVVM的配置工具,界面上有“Save”和“Refresh”两个按钮,需要支持英文和中文切换。WPF的国际化通常从资源文件(. With the DataContext of the control now set to itself, our label is now working:. Then, we have to add our User Control DLL file in the references. In a MainWindow. MainView. The starting markup looks a bit different though: Sep 23, 2016 · 文章浏览阅读1. 在WPF中使控件实时更新的方法是使用双向数据绑定。因此,请确保您绑定到的所有viewModel属性都是Dependency Properties或实现了INotifyPropertyChanged(并正确处理),并且它们的Binding. RefreshData method. For more information, see the following topic: Feb 26, 2025 · 如果您正苦于以下问题:C# UserControl. 7 KB; Introduction. Refresh使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的代码示例或许能为您提供帮助。以下是System. Step 1: Creating a Main Window. Refresh refreshes the current content in a NavigationWindow to be reloaded from its source. Creating a MainWindow for every form is not an ideal solution, we can achieve the same thing with a MainWindow along with many UserControls and call Mar 22, 2016 · In WPF, when user maximize the window, i need to change also the size of map so the map still covers the whole area: void Window1_StateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) Mar 1, 2025 · To run the example code, paste it into a project that contains an instance of type UserControl named UserControl1. In the Toolbox, find the tab labeled WPFUserControlLibrary WPF User Controls. 9k次。经过查看MSDN,总结下 UserControl 的 Load 事件:Q1:Load事件什么时候发生?在控件第一次变为可见之前发生。Load事件发生在创建 UserControl 时,因此有些情况下Load事件会被调用多次,比如 UserControl加载时,或者 Apr 23, 2009 · i have a userControl and am using it in a aspx page, now i have expose the Following Method that reside in the usercontrol like this public void load_Again() { string clientscript = ""; // make available to all subcontrols a variable with the client ID of the textbox in which to store the selected activity IDs clientscript = "var txtbxActvClientID = '" + Jun 16, 2015 · 我试图为用户控件做一个简单的OneWay绑定,但我真的不明白为什么某些部分不能工作。简单地说,我创建了一个具有一些依赖属性的WPF标准UserControl。 Mar 8, 2025 · 而UserControl则是自定义控件,可以包含任意的UI元素组合,适用于复用或模块化设计。 在WPF中实现页面切换,有几种常用的方法: 1. Apr 6, 2023 · You still need to refresh the data in the Grid Control. User Control 3: XAML Design. 对我们来说, May 4, 2024 · 文章介绍了在WPF中更新UI的四种方法,包括全局、当前界面、当前控件和带权限检查的控件级更新。 作者讨论了每种方法的优缺点,并倾向于认为直接针对目标控件更新资源消耗最少。 在 wpf 中,更新UI上面的数据,那是 Apr 8, 2016 · 基于C#+ASP. if the collection does not implement the IBindingList interface or the data items do not implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface you may need to manually refresh the user interface after changes to a data item’s properties are made. 3 days ago · Mastering the Art of Handling Events in WPF User Controls with Effective Techniques for Optimal Results. Thus, we should choose a WPF Application Project. Contribute to TDToolbox/BTD6-Mod-Manager development by creating an account on GitHub. One of the things it displays is a list of every comment that has been entered in the database for a particular object. 2021-04-02T02:49:23. In the CurrentCellBeginEdit event, you can cancel the Edit mode for certain cells by setting the Cancel property to True. NET documentation related to Windows Forms (winforms) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Updated Nov 2, Aug 16, 2016 · WPF UserControl 怎么刷新Refresh在UserControl 里面公开一个属性或方法不行么 百度首页 商城 注册 登录 网页 资讯 视频 图片 知道 文库 贴吧 采购 地图 更多 搜索答案 我要提问 WPF UserControl 怎么刷新Refresh Feb 6, 2023 · In this article. I am a WPF and XAML beginner and am unsure how to achieve this behavior. DataContext = this; }. Otherwise, the grid control will automatically reload usercontol wpf Dave Lister public static class ExtensionMethods { private static readonly Action EmptyDelegate = delegate { }; public static void Refresh(this UIElement uiElement) { uiElement. What is the difference between user control and custom control in WPF? May 9, 2020 · Hi, it's impossible inherit one UserControl from another UserControl. Text property updated by binding like below, You can define a Window, Page, or UserControl in external XAML files and load their contents into DocumentPanel objects. That confirmed my belief that WPF does not forgive any single developer’s mistake. Read Article You will enjoy it. Get the app from the Microsoft Store or get the source code on GitHub. Ionut Daniel Bejenariu 21 Reputation points. An ElementHost control is created automatically on the form to host the WPF control. This UIPanel is just an empty shell that gets filled in on runtime. Application design summary: MainWindow: main window which can have several different page classes in content area within the main window. I am new to WPF. Then ensure that the event handler is associated with the Load event. com/lizhiqiang0204/UserControl-change-interface 如果在用户界面1增加一个 May 27, 2016 · 我们经常会抽取一些可重用的控件,某个属性是否需要重用,直接决定了这个属性的绑定方式。 1、完全不可重用的控件 有一些与业务强相关的控件,它们的属性完全来自ViewModel,越是相对复杂的控件,越容易这样。比如: // ChooseUc. Yes, you can force a WPF binding to refresh by implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in your view model and raising the PropertyChanged event whenever the property that is bound to the UI changes.
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