Reviewer comments reject example 3 Hence digesting the reviewers’ comments, preferably over a few days would be helpful. These examples should serve as inspiration, as we ultimately recommend providing specific and personal feedback to employees. Editorial reasons for rejection include: Sep 9, 2014 · I had submitted a paper for publication in a journal, but it got rejected. Point-by-Point Response: Address each reviewer comment individually. Some suggestions for responding to peer reviewer comments: Every comment from each reviewer needs to be addressed. 3 Hence digesting the reviewers’ comments, preferably over a few days would be helpful. Jun 21, 2022 · The goal of every author is to have their research work published. e academic content of a paper than on grammar and punctuation. THEIR COMMENTS The key reason of rejection after revision is the major com-ments have not been adequately addressed. See an example of how to respond to a reviewer comment and when to dispute a decision. Similar to the submission package for manuscript, when resubmitting a manuscript the resubmission package includes a response letter to the reviewers, which generally begins by thanking the reviewers for their commentary and includes a brief description of the major changes to the revised manuscript incurred by the feedback received; it Jun 4, 2024 · Reject without review (direct reject) The manuscript is clearly out of the scope of the journal (whether due to topic, methodologic rigor, impact, or novelty), or a similarity/duplicity check (which can be performed by editors or editorial staff using readily available online tools 19) is highly suggestive of plagiarism or a duplicate submission. Copy and paste the reviewer comments verbatim into a Microsoft Word document. Whether facing acceptance with minor revisions, major revisions, suggestions for resubmission, or immediate rejection, authors can use reviewers’ feedback to improve their work and contribute valuable insights to their field. Example Reviewer’s comment: It would be interesting to include data on XYZ and conduct a multivariate analysis using these data. HOW TO START ADDRESSING THE REVIEWERS–DIGEST THEIR COMMENTS. Although some employees excel at communication instinctively, others may need guidance in refining their skills. AEs Comment Example . For example, in my field of engineering, there are two distinct terms: “stress - engineering strain curve” and “true stress - true strain curve. Write more papers, which helps you get the hang of it Oct 1, 2024 · The editor-in-chief screens all new submissions and rejects those that are clearly outside the scope of the journal. g. Given these comments, I would have expected the decision to be "minor revisions. Contents The meaning of a 'desk-rejected' paperWhat to do if your paper is desk-rejectedThe meaning of 'revise and May 26, 2023 · Desk Rejection: the editor will review the manuscript and decide whether it suits the journal. 3 One approach suggested for digesting the reviewers’ comments involves reading the reviews once, putting it aside Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: ‘minor revisions’, ‘major revisions’, ‘revise and resubmit’ and ‘reject’ decisions. Previous studies conducted on the influence of peer review on manuscript quality in manuscripts submitted to the Annals of Internal Medicine, indicate that peer review increases the quality of articles and that specific comments from reviewers are useful Sep 24, 2013 · Make the jobs of the editor and reviewers easy. Learn how to reject a manuscript kindly and constructively as a peer reviewer. Learn more about the reasons for a 'revise and resubmit' decision, and have a look at sample peer review comments and examples of 'revise and resubmit' decisions. ” I will provide a short summary of the appeal, followed by a summary of reviewer conclusions, and the extended point-by-point rebuttal of all editors’ and reviewers’ comments. If you review a manuscript and struggle to formulate your feedback to reflect a 'minor revisions' verdict, look no further: get inspired by explanations, sample comments and examples! Contents When to decide Example 1 Edit Reviewer Comments Reviewer Recommendation Term: Reject Rate Review: Please enter a number from 1-100. Aptitude; Attendance Oct 23, 2013 · This is a one-year study sample of all individuals referr ed to the Centre of Migrant Health in Oslo in 2010. Separate each reviewer’s comments, and number each comment consecutively beneath the corresponding reviewer. And there is a proper way to do it. But as I discussed in my last editorial [1], our goal is not to argue with anonymous reviewers, but to publish a paper. This article aims to discuss: 1) peer review process, 2) challenges with peer review, 3) impact of unprofessional peer review comments and incivility in nursing peer review process can have on a Sep 30, 2014 · However, if there are basic mistakes in terminology in a manuscript, reviewers are likely to reject it. They may give them slightly different names, but the following list is typical: 1. Reject outright following review. Performance Review Summary Templates and Examples A performance summary helps managers document Writing&Decision&Letters& & Page3& Although!this!is!an!interesting!report,!vague!presentations!of!aortic!dissection!are! wellknown. One of the reviewers rejected my paper as he believed I should have used method A instead of B. Writing peer review comments with three aims in mind, however, is complicated, particularly when you are recommending major revision or rejection. A 'revise and resubmit' decision means that a manuscript has potential but cannot be considered for publication in its current form. Study other people's reviews (as a reviewer, at the end of the process you can see other reviewers' comments and also, some venues have openreviews (look it up), this will tell you how you are doing in comparison to others e. It is far more important to comment on t. " In your recommendations for the author, you should: Give constructive feedback describing ways that they could improve the research; Keep the focus on the research and not the author. As an Associate Editor I’ve experienced many reviewers being more straightforward (and critical) in the editor specific comments and then softening their language in the comments for the author. However, reviewer has not found enough new research work performed by authors to be published in IEEE transactions of. Comment from Reviewer 1 noting a mistake or oversight in the manuscript. Contents. If the editor sent specific instructions for the reviewer report, or a form to fill out as part of the review, you should write your report in the requested format. The ultimate goal is to work with reviewers and editors to improve the quality of a paper so that it is accepted for publication. Accept, but only after minor Sep 1, 2020 · Recently I received a rejection letter from a journal editor (including some comments). The two reviewers initially requested modifications and we modified the paper according to their comments and feedback. Reject outright without review. As authors, we’re happy that the journal did not reject the paper, but we always find comments that are annoying, frustrating, or downright insulting. Reviewers’ comments are valuable in the sense that they will improve the overall quality of the manuscript. The reviewer is correct, and we have [explain the change made]. • Tone: There are two parts to a peer review: comments that will go to the author, and comments only the editor(s) will see. You don’t have to respond to every single comment, especially if they are of the ‘typo on page 15’ type. Example 1; Example 2; Example 3; Inquire About Late Review; Review not Needed; Recommendation Rejection; Recommend Second Major Revision; 2nd AE’s Opinion on the Appeal to an Immediate Reject Decision; Suggest Reviewer Not Request Citation of Their Own Paper; Recommend Reject After 3 Rounds of Feb 14, 2025 · Some reviewer comments reject certain examples because they may not meet the criteria or standards set by the reviewer for the specific context or purpose of the review. I usually put the reviewer comments in bold and then my answers underneath. Comment from Reviewer 1 suggesting a specific change to the manuscript. Aug 15, 2020 · Volunteer for more reviews 3. Author’s response (agree with reviewer): We thank the reviewer for the comment. Feb 21, 2018 · A well established and major journal, take Nature or one of the top 5 journals in your field as examples, may reject very good papers, which may be perfectly acceptable in good journals. Rejected after external review: Possible major deficiencies in paper or poor writing . In these situations, you have to politely but firmly disagree with reviewers. Individuals assigned as peer reviewers for a certain manuscript tend to be knowledgeable in the area of work the manuscript covers, passionate about the advancement of knowledge, and eager to give back to the academic community through reviews. Performance reviews provide an ideal avenue for evaluating and guiding employee communication skills on a regular basis. It is essential to have all authors review all comments and provide their responses to the primary author. 1: note that each reviewer comment is only a line or two. 3. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult Jun 11, 2021 · In the service of the authors, peer review supports them to achieve both—the high standards of the field and the meaningful advancement of a journal’s scholarly conversation. Literally word-for-word. Most journal usually do not reconsider resubmission. Reviewers for most journals are anonymous, so if anonymity is important to you, avoid comments that could make your identity obvious to the authors. Changing the method requires extra additional work that is beyond of the scope my paper. Keep in mind that reviewers can improve your article and correct errors; view the process as adding value to your article. Understanding Reviewer Comments A. Therelationshipbetweenthispatient 'Minor revisions’ means that a manuscript only has to undergo small changes and improvements before it can be published in an academic journal. Although some of these comments are straightforward and concise, others are conflicting and unclear and, as such, authors may find it challenging to plan and carry out Jan 11, 2022 · Reviewer guidelines provide variable guidance about how to use the confidential comments to the editor section. Examples include spelling corrections, clarification of figures, or rewording sentences for better clarity. 280 Examples: Management Strengths and Weaknesses Make a decision. In both your authors’ and editors’ comments, please Sep 20, 2024 · 3. Learn from the best and boost your online reputation today. However, resentment of 'Reviewer 2' reflects the shortcomings of all poor review practices and those moments where reviewers overtly self-cite, force retrofitting of theory, are unnecessarily Feb 19, 2025 · Providing thoughtful performance review comments can show your employees you are invested in their growth and development. The reviewer acts as an advisor to the journal editor. Custom Review Question(s) : Resp onse Do you have any potential conflicts of interest? CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: If you have a conflict of When providing peer review feedback, it’s important to balance positive and negative comments: this approach allows the reviewer to maintain a friendly tone and helps the recipient feel reassured. more experiments, expanding your sample size, carrying out statistical analyses, performing major text revisions. How well does the employee work with others in a 我可以大概讲讲自己的经验,包括reviewer comments的结构内容、写的时候的大体思路和具体例句、以及一些特殊的注意事项。 1- reviewer comments的结构内容。 reviewer comments包括整体评价、主要问题、细节问题。根据journal的不同,有不同的形式,比如Nat. Oct 17, 2013 · Addressing peer reviewer comments is a daunting task for even the most experienced authors. Sep 14, 2023 · Comments from peer reviewers, more often than not, offer an excellent opportunity to improve the quality of your manuscript. Author response: Thank you! 1. His/her comments were written in a way that suggests that I am stupid and what I did is just rubbish. Second, it would be useful for the authors to know that at least one of the reviewers saw enough merit in the paper to recommend revise and resubmit; for all I know, the other two reviewers may have done so too (the reviewing 5 reviewers indicates th editor had trouble getting folks to review. Accept, but only after major revisions. He/she gave me some comments (the reasons why he/she wants to reject my paper). In order to understand how this works in practice I’d suggest reading through a few real-life example peer review comments and replies. However, guidance on how to write a response to manuscript reviews is lacking Editors say, "If a reviewer suggests a rejection, but her/his comments are not detailed or helpful, it does not help the editor in making a decision. After waiting for 2 months for the paper to be under review, my paper got rejected just after 5 days of review. Performance reviews don’t have to be tough for managers or their teams. Read this post to handle the peer review process as an author with more confidence and learn to take reviewer comments in your stride. The examples in this article can help create reviews that drive improvement. A good editor will try to convey the message effectively in the response letter but editor quality does vary a lot and some editors are horrible at Reviewer 3: only one with some decent comments (also did not 'reject'), but also limited. Reviewer 3: only one with some decent comments (also did not 'reject'), but also limited. Mar 25, 2015 · Making the Most of Peer Review. Whether you’re celebrating achievements or addressing areas for improvement, these phrases will make your reviews more effective, leading to a more engaged and high-performing team. Feb 12, 2015 · Peer review has a vital role to play in research and publishing and a key step in that process is the revision of your paper. Performance evaluations shape career paths and motivate employees to reach their goals. Tips for revisions and responding to review comments. Authors even react to comments that are valid and correct. Reviewer Comments to Author(s): Reviewer #1 (Jillon Vander Wal, PhD): Overall, this is a clear, concise, and well-written manuscript. Here’s a clear format for this section: Restate the Reviewer’s Comment: Use bold or italic text to make the reviewer’s comment stand out. It doesn't help the authors at all. It is a classical Reviewer #2 comment. 3 One approach suggested for digesting the reviewers’ comments involves reading the reviews once, putting it aside for a couple of days NeurIPS: 6, 6, 6, 4, and the 4 was a clearly bad reviewer whose reviewer didn't engage in discussions but whose review was for some reason not discarded. Oct 30, 2024 · In this guide, we’ve compiled 120 Performance Review Example Phrases & Comments for 2024 to help you provide meaningful feedback. While this letter will suggest the decision to reject was a mistake, there is no suggestion that reviewers or editors “made errors of fact or showed evidence of bias. After your general letter, copy each reviewer comment into the document and reply to it specifically. iew should be more than a simple “accept” or “reject”. Four reviewers commented on my paper. Apr 1, 2011 · In college, your professors were reviewers who evaluated and graded your work. In my experience as an author (9 first author articles in print or in press, a few others still under review or waiting for us to turn around an R-and-R, a few book chapters, and a book with a university press) and as a reviewer (for half a dozen journals and one scholarly press, including several instances where the editor passed on other Nov 7, 2016 · Every author faces rejection in their career! First, let us consider the types of verdict that a journal will use. When I read the comments, I found that all the comments are useless and wrong. I googled some of the keywords in their comment to try to understand what they meant and found a stats blog post from 2007 on some rando website that they had copy+pasted. Mar 19, 2021 · Reviewer Comments. Dec 17, 2021 · Peer reviewers shoulder responsibility toward their discipline, journal editors, and the authors whose manuscripts they review. So I am baffled by how the editor went (mainly) with reviewer 1 and 2 to decide reject, while their reviews were extremely bad (doubt reviewer 1 even read the paper and reviewer 2 only understood half of it based on the questions and the extremely bad English) Oct 30, 2024 · Rejected without external review: Indicates paper is outside journal scope or did not meet standards of a very prestigious journal. You can make them better and less stressful by knowing the right things to say, and this article gives you a list of simple comments you can use in reviews, sorted by the skills they relate to. We agree that the reviewer’s sug-gestion will enhance further understanding on our ndings. The example text you provided is fine, but could perhaps be expanded upon somewhat. It discusses understanding different review outcomes, coping with rejection, tips for revision in response to critiques, and examples of responsive language and framing to address reviewer concerns in a letter submitting a revised manuscript. For example, you could answer, “As we received conflicting advice from another reviewer, we decided to make the change they suggested, because…. For example "There is no original contribution. While the comments of Reviewer 1 was really helpful and suggest minor revisions (which all can be revised in around 30 minutes), Reviewer 2 comments was pretty critical and some of the things they said doesn't even make any sense. The Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) ethical guidelines for peer reviewers [13] advises reviewers to ensure your confidential comments and recommendations for the editor are consistent with your report for the authors; most feedback should be put in the report that the authors However, out of curiosity: Reviewer #2 is pointing out several things that are clearly not the common opinion of other established researchers in the field. One reviewer recommended it for publication and was satisfied with the changes. • Once you have carried out your revisions, it is time to prepare your response to the reviewer comments. Your Response: Provide a clear, detailed response to the comment. Performance Review Questions: Teamwork By asking yourself these questions and reflecting on the employee’s performance, you can better understand their strengths and areas for improvement in working collaboratively with their colleagues: 1. Examples of ‘minor revisions’ reviewer comments; Examples of ‘major revisions’ reviewer comments; Examples of ‘revise and Aug 1, 2023 · Reviewers’ Comments: Reviewer: 1. The key reason of rejection after revision is the major comments have not been adequately addressed. When a US senator writes a new piece of legislation, there are many other reviewers who will want to change the document. Related: How To Conduct an Employee Evaluation Examples of performance evaluation comments Here are some examples of phrases you could use based on the category of feedback: Attendance We recently submitted a paper to a very high impact-factor Elsevier journal. In one example, one of the positive reviews was not thorough at all (basically just said “this is a good article about an interesting topic”), so I could see the editor not taking that review seriously. Examples of reviewer comments can help! Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: 'minor revisions', 'major revisions', 'revise and resubmit' and 'reject' decisions. You don’t need to be Houdini! Just follow a few simple rules, submit to the appropriate journal for your study, and take heed of comments from the editor and peer reviewers. " This can only be meant as a fucking joke. It can help you to make the May 1, 2024 · In this guide, we present 100 phrases and comments to use in employee performance reviews. When you apply for a loan, the bank uses appraisers and accountants to review your application. ) Getting to your specific comment, it is hard to judge whether the reviewer concern is fair or not. This article offers an organized structure of In recent years the journal has published advice and guidance for prospective contributors, which has covered: considering the rationale for a study (Rojon & Saunders, 2012); using the literature May 3, 2020 · 2) Reviewer's comments: Typically, 2-3 reviewers. The reviewer writes that they expect at least 20 repetitions, and we used 12. Author response: Thank you for pointing this out. The examples are separated into the following categories, and further split into positive and critical feedback. If the reviewer feels that the manuscript will not be acceptable for publication even if revised, the reviewer should still make suggestions to the author for future efforts. Reviewer comments typically fall into the following categories: Minor Revisions: These are small changes or clarifications that do not require major alterations to the paper. Authors have presented a method to improve the measurement accuracy of mutual inductance transmission line parameters. AAAI: R, R, R, WA, with each of the reviewers disagreeing with each other the merits of the paper, and/or bringing up irrelevant prior work or raising criticisms that were already addressed in . • Decide which reviewer comments are necessary for the authors to address to meet the publication criteria and which are not essential. 4. We provide tips on how best to respond to reviewers, and point out the most common mistakes that authors make. When writing a review, you should describe the reasons for the recommendation so that the editor can make an informed decision. As a peer reviewer, it is useful to learn about common reasons for a ‘major revision’ verdict. Jan 6, 2025 · Accordingly, authors should edit the reviewer’s comment, using square brackets and ellipses as appropriate, so that the key point is clear and unambiguous. It means that the peer reviewer considers a manuscript suitable for publication if the authors rectify some major shortcomings. However, if the language is too poor to und. Part 1 Work Ethic Performance Review Comments Once this is the question there is the likelihood the paper may be rejected Shallow response to reviewers' questions Sixth, rejection of Politics and Economic sustainability Research papers due to Example 1 Edit Reviewer Comments Reviewer Recommendation Term: Reject Rate Review: Please enter a number from 1-100. WRITE YOUR REPORT Some reviewers make all comments on a pdf version of the manuscript. After submitting their manuscripts to academic journals, authors receive one of several editorial decisions: 'desk reject', 'revise and resubmit', 'major revisions', 'minor revisions', or 'paper accepted. A reviewer left a comment about how many blocks I needed (for stats), and it almost held back the publication. Here are some counter-arguments as to why the reviewer may have a point. I had this happen before—all or mostly positive reviews but the editor rejects. However, knowing how to respond to reviewers' comments isn't always easy - get it right and you could see your paper published, get it wrong and it could mean rejection. It should be way more specific. This score is used to determine which reviewers are eligible for CME credit. ” How to respond to reviewer comments—journal examples Writing peer review comments with three aims in mind, however, is complicated, particularly when you are recommending major revision or rejection. Common Errors That Lead to Rejection Human/Animal Welfare Problems: Treatment of experimental subjects that does not comply with accepted standards and journal policy; for example, lack of representative sample, absence of voluntary participation of study subjects, absence of approval of study by ethical review committee. The introduction is relevant and theory based. If it does not suit the journal, it will be rejected without review to begin with (desk rejection). Point-by-Point Analysis: We assist in crafting detailed, well-structured responses to each reviewer comment, ensuring clarity and thoroughness. Custom Review Question(s) : Resp onse Do you have any potential conflicts of interest? CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: If you have a conflict of Dec 31, 2024 · 1. What should I do with Feb 2, 2022 · Reply to Each Comment in Turn. proactive. Both reviewers provided extensive and detailed comments about both the premise of the arguments and in many cases about the arguments themselves. Sometimes it is not attainable or sensible to incorporate all reviewer comments in the revisions of your manuscript. I disagree. When writing a review, you should describe the reasons for the r. See sample comments and two examples for different reasons to reject a paper. May 4, 2007 · This document provides guidance on responding to reviewer comments from academic journals. Learn how to avoid technical and editorial reasons for rejection when submitting a manuscript to a journal. Part 4 Example Comments to Include in a Performance Review to Provide Constructive Feedback Constructive feedback should be clear, specific, and actionable. Examples are given in Fig. Some of the comments are helpful and can be implemented, but others are not. Hard work does not imply novelty or importance. Review each comment of the reviewers and the edi-tor with an open and calm mind. Follow Up with a Reviewer. Once you receive reviewer comments for your submission, go through them Aug 17, 2015 · Getting published isn’t magic; it’s a process. So I am baffled by how the editor went (mainly) with reviewer 1 and 2 to decide reject, while their reviews were extremely bad (doubt reviewer 1 even read the paper and reviewer 2 only understood half of it based on the questions and the extremely bad English) Oct 4, 2018 · The comments of the second reviewer seemed disrespectful and misinformed. Jul 30, 2024 · Understanding reviewers’ comments and examples is essential for authors to navigate the peer review process. This was 2 years ago. Furthermore, you can get inspired by sample peer review comments and examples which reflect this verdict appropriately. ” Both the terms have certain commonality, but are not identical. W e have added in the text (page 5, line 138-1 39): Sep 19, 2019 · Thus, maintaining a high rejection rate is important for academic journals and is one of the reasons why leading outlets often initially ‘reject’ following peer review but will send a letter to an author that ‘invites resubmission if review comments can be adequately addressed’ (or words to that effect). Abstract An author’s response to referees’ comments is a key component of the peer review process that affects whether a manuscript is accepted or rejected, the speed at which a manuscript moves through the review process, the workload of editors and referees, and the quality and clarity of published science. " o Include in the general comments as much detail as would be helpful to the author, then anything additional into the private comments for the editor(s). Jan 6, 2025 · Peer review and comments from reviewers are part of the submission process for scientific papers. The good news is that published papers often now include peer-review records, including the reviewer comments and authors’ replies. Rebuttal Strategy: Our specialists help you develop a strategic approach to addressing reviewer comments, identifying key areas for focus and improvement. If you decide to revise your paper, address the peer reviewer and editor comments and highlight them in the revised text. Write a clear, organized, easy-to-read response letter. Dear Dr* Masurovsky: I regret to inform you that our reviewers have now considered your paper but unfortunately feel it unsuitable for publication in _____. These rejection reasons can be avoided by investing enough time in reading around the subject area, carefully deciding on the topic to focus on, the hypothesis and planning a comprehensive experiment as outlined in the Springer Nature Journal Author Academy: Writing a Journal Manuscript. This article provides performance review phrases and paragraph examples for assessing teamwork skills. We hope this was the right decision. Rejection after review is almost surely because of the reviewers' decision, regardless on whether the topic of your paper suits their journal or not. Types of Reviewer Comments. are you too optimistic? 4. Jun 13, 2024 · Improve your customer reviews with these 17 positive review examples and copy paste review response templates. 2. Commun. The editors also have access to the results of a check for similarity of the text to papers already published in journals or on web pages (similarity check) and a comparison of the submission to previously submitted manuscripts (duplicate submission check), including rejected publication. ' Learn what these editorial decisions precisely mean, and how to react. Power Delivery. The main editor decides based on the peer review. Instead of saying, “You need to improve your time management,” try offering suggestions like, “Consider using a calendaring tool to better organize your tasks and deadlines, which Apr 5, 2021 · Example Peer Review Comments & Author Replies. In addition, submit a separate sheet listing each peer review comment and your responses. Using the right phrases and examples helps managers give balanced feedback that encourages growth while acknowledging achievements. Sometimes peer reviewers write long-winded comments, which make it difficult to pinpoint the specific aspects you need to address. Sufficient information about the previous study findings is presented for readers to follow the present study rationale and procedures. And since outright acceptance is vanishingly rare, feedback to the authors about how to improve is almost always tangled up with assessment to the editor about how to proceed regarding acceptance. However, we received a reject decision. Because of this, the review should be more than a simple "accept" or "reject". Custom Review Question(s) : Resp onse Do you have any potential conflicts of interest? CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: If you have a conflict of (I've seen it happen when one reviewer is clearly misunderstanding the paper. In the process of publishing a peer-reviewed article, authors are often required to revise their original manuscript based on the comments from the reviewers. Effective communication fosters healthy relationships, clear information exchange, and a positive work environment. To help you on your way, here are a few tips and reminders on the process in general and on responding to peer review comments in particular. Comments to the Author. Pick the suggestion you agree with and justify your choice to the other reviewer. commendation so that the editor can make an informed decision. Some reviewers are adjudicative reviewers who assess your manuscript as well as comments from other reviewers. One example would be the number of trials/repetitions of a certain experiment. Reviewers can be superficial, comments on one or two editorial elements typically indicates they've not invested much effort. The reviewers will evaluate the manuscript and provide feedback to the editor. Don't take these personally. Effectively responding to reviewers’ comments Tip: Complete the minor corrections first for a quick win before Jun 11, 2021 · In the service of the authors, peer review supports them to achieve both—the high standards of the field and the meaningful advancement of a journal’s scholarly conversation. If it doesn’t, the manuscript will be rejected at this stage. Any negative or emotional reaction to the reviewers and editor who provide comments critical of a manuscript reflecting months and years of the authors’ hard First, some of my comments are confusing if presented as a 'reject' review, which it effectively is being presented as. However, when I checked the reviewers comments (from two reviewers), I found that their comments do not seem to be sufficient to reject the paper. Do not edit the reviewer comments directly; in your comments explain to authors which parts of the review report they can disregard at the same time respecting the reviewer’s integrity. Example 2 Edit Reviewer Comments Reviewer Recommendation Term: Revise Minor Rate Review: Please enter a number from 1-100. Peer Review: if the manuscript passes the desk rejection stage, it will be sent out for peer review. emmk lxls zprsid giwh xqxzfo xso afmcu qvfun wtmg fvmx mrdpjc kblp qgasnig whzbf uqrvkxp