Moon 340i bright. 340i X Integrated Amplifier.

Moon 340i bright The Boucherville, QC company began offering the 340i with a built-in DSD-capable DAC. Preferred Vendor. Previously, the built-in DAC available for the 340i supported PCM playback to 24 bits/192kHz Description Moon by Simaudio 340i X. Dec 15, 2021 · The package we’ve brought together here consists of MOON’s 340i X integrated amplifier and a VPI Scout 21 turntable. Подробное описание и характеристики модели, отзывы покупателей, тесты, статьи и обзоры на нашем сайте. Used. D3 DAC kaart en Phono kaart Als extra optie voor de 340i (=ouder model): - D3 = DAC-kaart, 4 inputs , Similarly, the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i's well-manicured precision made me wish for an occasional taste of slutty voluptuousness. On its backside are four analog RCA inputs, one of them dedicated to the phono board, and four May 14, 2016 · 从上图电路局部特写可以看到Moon neo 340i内还藏了不少好东西,特别留意一下用的功放管,因为通常看到都是东芝、三肯、摩托罗拉之类的,这回倒是看到打磨了Moon自己Logo的对管,根据Moon以往的设计习惯,对管 Oct 7, 2023 · Avec MOON 340i X et le préamplificateur phono 310 LP Mk2, vous oublierez vite votre système audio. Elevate your audio experience with Jun 6, 2023 · Leverbaar in twee uitvoeringen 340i X Geïntegreerde versterker incl XLR ingang 340i D3PX Geïntegreerde versterker incl. Sold by audiofi in Vancouver, we ship free in Canada Dec 16, 2018 · Hi, I am looking for some new gear, and stumbled over the Moon 340i, looking at the specs can’t find values of head room nor for the dynamic rms power, does anyone know any of this or where I can get them? Would also like to know of any experience anyone has with them and best matching 輸出聲道:2, 輸出功率:100W, 比較 Simaudio Moon 340i X NEO 綜合擴音機 價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障 歡迎來到Price 登入 註冊 瀏覽紀錄 沒有任何瀏覽紀錄 Jul 7, 2021 · Arranged a demo of 3 highly rated integrateds. Music titles on vinyl CDs 127. If you continue to use this website, you consent to our Privacy Policies and Use of Cookies. Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. Winner of 12 awards at the last count, the 340i X can easily be the centrepiece of your music and entertainment system. The 340i X allows you to integrate your music system in distinctively new ways. The 340i X will seduce you with its musical authority, as well as its rich, engaging and lifelike sound quality. Ampli tích hợp Moon Neo 340i Moon Neo 340i là một ví dụ về bộ khuếch đại tích hợp hiện đại, chất lượng hàng đầu, đầy đủ tính năng. key features. The Moon 340i X is the ultimate example of a Neo-class Integrated Amplifier. NEVER spill or pour liquids directly onto the Nēo 340i. Similarly, the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i's well-manicured precision made me wish for an occasional taste of slutty voluptuousness. Take 5 Audio Verified Dealer. Fidelity. Product details Find a dealer. Au terme de 5 années d’écoutes et d’analyses au sein de différentes configurations comportant des enceintes acoustiques d’origine et de tempérament différent, j’ai souhaité isoler l’amplificateur intégré MOON 340i X pour un banc d’essai spécifique – le seul, à ma grande surprise, réalisé The Moon 340i X Integrated Amplifier is a triumph of audio innovation, a sophisticated blend of precision engineering and versatile design that sets a new standard for sound systems. barnitto Established Member. 340i DPX (全配);2. Amazing sound and build quality 3250 3250 USD Precision matched proprietary MOON Bipolar output transistors for improved bass response and accurate sonic reproduction. Die Verarbeitung des Moon 340i D3PX: Mar 4, 2025 · No hace falta decir que el 340i X está construido bajo los estándares más alto que han hecho de los productos de Moon tan famosos por todo el mundo. Combining sonic finesse and superb versatility, the award-winning MOON 340i X integrated amplifier is offered with optional DAC and phono stage. "Winner of 12 awards, the 340i can easily be the centerpiece of your music and Moon Nēo 340i リアパネル (340iD3PXに近々変更しますが 大きな違いはXLR端子が付くことです。) さらに嬉しいことに340iXにはプリアウトが2系列あります。ライフサウンドではTDシリーズのスピーカーをメイン Mar 3, 2016 · The Moon Neo 340i D3PX is a textbook example of a contemporary, top-quality, full-featured integrated amplifier. Hope to upgrade to moon 641 integrated amp later (125 watts 8 ohm 250 watts 4 ohm) Road123, Aug We use cookies to improve your experience on this website. With a base price of £3,800 for the amp, we also opted for an inbuilt D3 DAC, MM/MC phono board Jan 10, 2025 · Simaudio Moon Neo 340i Integrated Amplifier Has built in Phono stage, amazing sound. Pour éviter tous risques, les trois connections présentes sur la fiche secteur devront TOUJOURS être utilisées. I have B&W 805 D3 speakers and presently running them with my old NAD T752 amp (have a newer Denon but much too thin and bright for the 805s so I brought back my old The MOON 280D DAC is a high performance fully asynchronous DSD 256 / 32-bit DAC with versatility, including Bluetooth and our optional MiND module. Aug 11, 2024 · I recently replaced my Arcam FMJ A32 integrated amp with a Moon 340i in my home office. Analog outputs: fixed, vari Oct 18, 2021 · Review Update: Moon 340i Integrated Amplifier Gordon Brockhouse During the summer, MOON by Simaudio made an important update to its Nēo 340i integrated amplifier. Item specifics. 5mm Media Player. Cam kết sản phẩm chính hãng. Browse all Hardware Ads; Browse categories; Dealer eShops; Software . CD SACDs 22. The Nēo 340i is the ultimate example of a Neo-class Integrated Amplifier. MGW, Jun 1, 2020 #5. com」で!レビュー、Q&A、画像も盛り沢山。ご購入でゴールドポイント取得!今なら日本全国へ全品配達料金無料、即日・翌日お届け実施中。 Mar 5, 2025 · Audio Thiên Hà cung cấp Ampli Moon Neo 340i giá tốt nhất thị trường. It's hard to articulate the difference between the Moon and the Arcam, but lets just say its obviously a different beast . Integrated Amplifier. Stereo Integrated Amplifier. Die Platinen im Inneren des 340i sind obendrein übersät von knallroten Jan 18, 2022 · Rega Aetheos, Simaudio Moon 340i or NAD M33 for B&W 805s? I know picking a integrated amp by it's depth is wrong BUT I'm stuck with this situation (depth of my cabinet is 16½"). Simpler and more compact, the integrated amp has the advantage of being more affordable than a separate preamp / amp system. This is the DPX version of the 340i, which includes XLR inputs, integrated DAC, and MM & MC Phono Stage. Fast shipping. Seller notes “Customer Trade-In – Very Good Condition (Light Marks)” MOON-綜合擴大機-愛爾法音響成立於1990年,專注於把最好的Hi-End音響器材品牌引進到台灣,如NORDOST線材、LUMIN播放設備以及FARAD線性電源等,讓發燒友找到自己最喜歡的視聽饗宴。; One MOON 340i Integrated amplifier, original box, remote control. 340i X Integrated Amplifier. Proprietary MOON Bipolar output transistors with unprecedented gain linearity resulting in improved bass response and even more accurate sonic reproduction. 0%: All-time: 3: 100. Autor testy pisze, że ci, którzy szukają stylowego, świetnie grającego systemu ze średniej i wyższej We use cookies to improve your experience on this website. Winner of 12 awards, the 340i X can easily be the centerpiece of your music and entertainment system. But the bottom line is that Moon products are known for putting out good clean power and driving difficult speakers with ease. Feb 16, 2021 · The Moon 680D sounds pretty good from cold but improves considerably over a few weeks of use. I bought it from a fellow SNA member after positive experiences with other Moon amps and, after linking it with quality interconnects, have been very pleased with it. "Winner of 12 awards, the 340i can easily be the centerpiece of your music and entertainment system. Of course, key features you’d expect in a MOON Neo Series product are present such as SimLink™, 12V trigger, RS-232 and IR ports for custom-install environments. Financing. Apr 11, 2014 · Im Test: »sehr gut« urteilen »Fono Forum« & Co ⭐ Hat der Moon Neo 340i von Simaudio auch Schwächen? Jetzt neutral informieren! Furthermore, the 340i D3PX encompasses all the key features expected in a Moon Series product, including SimLink™, 12V trigger, RS-232, and IR ports tailored for custom-install environments. Neither the Hegel nor the Simaudio could match my Line Magnetic for brilliant Van Gogh colors, verdant textures, or riotous debauchery. Vinyl 327. Reply. Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by nyrjoe, Apr 6, 2021. Stereophile. Moon Neo 340i intergoitu stereovahvistin The Neo 340i is the ultimate example of a Neo-class Integrated Amplifier. An optional built-in MC/MM phono stage Moon 340i X Integrated Amplifier. J’en retiendrais plusieurs éléments dont celui de proposer une musicalité pure. Moon Neo 340i. The Neo 340i is the ultimate example of a Neo-class Integrated Amplifier. Request More Info. 9. Needless to say, it is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. Integrated amplifier combines the functions of preamplifier and power amplifier. 340i X (内含平衡输入);5. Audio. Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the Neo 340i will seduce you with its musical authority, as well as its rich, engaging and lifelike sound quality. All files are provided under strict licence and reproduction without prior permission or for financial gain is strictly prohibited. ESPE Moon NEO 340I價格與詳細規格比較,共2筆。還有montane 140、wolford neon 40、moon 250i。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,全網最便宜都在 BigGo !TW ‌ ‌ ‌ TW 首頁 新聞 影片 推薦 所有商店 限時特賣 登入帳戶即可使用我的收藏、搜尋紀錄等更多貼心服務 Apr 6, 2021 · For what it is worth it, might be worth checking the specifications as the Moon 340i's rated power output is greater than either your Rega or the Luxman at lower impedances. Register; Login; Place an Ad Free for hobbyists! Hardware . ) Like new condition. 1319401. Both models represent the pinnacle of their respective brands, offering cutting-edge Sep 15, 2023 · Nouvelle écoute – nouveau banc d’essai . Overview. También incluye un previo de phono MC / MM totalmente configurable y conexiones balanceadas. 340i (简配)。 这次送到编辑部进行测评的是Moon neo 340i X,背板有4组RCA Mar 4, 2022 · Take the Moon 340i D3PX for example. Description from online: Rated power into 8 ohms is 100 watts and it delivers 200 watts into 4 ohms Page 1 The performance of a lifetime Owner’s Manual MOON 340i Integrated Amplifier; Page 2 To prevent the risk of equipment damage or personal harm, use only Class 2 rated loudspeaker wire properly terminated and connected securely to the binding posts. Featuring an options package, unheralded in the world of high-performance audio, which includes (1) an internal digital-to-analog converter Apr 6, 2021 · Simaudio Moon 340i X. Combining high power, sonic finesse, and superb flexibility, the Neo 340i X will seduce you with its musical authority, as well as its rich, engaging, and lifelike sound quality. MOON by Simaudio Warranty All electronic components: Ten years Moving parts (switches, encoders, pots The MOON 340i redefines the possibilites of what an integrated amplifier can be. Blu-Ray-Audio DVD 8. Home 1 › MOON 340i X Integrated Amplifier 2. SACD DVD-Audio 10. Optional phono inputs: 47k ohms input Oct 5, 2015 · During the summer, MOON by Simaudio made an important update to its Nēo 340i integrated amplifier. But to be fair: it’s still very good money for the functionality and performance we’re about to talk about. mrtn Member. In addition, the Neo 340i's flexibility is enhanced by a Die Rohbauversion heißt Moon 340i X. Das Bestechende am Moon 340i sind die inneren Werte. I have B&W 805 D3 speakers and presently running them with my old NAD T752 amp (have a newer Denon but much too thin and bright for the 805s so I brought back my old Aug 1, 2014 · The Moon Neo 340i is a 100Wpc integrated amplifier ($4600 USD) that can be ordered with one or more of three built-in options: a stereo pair of balanced inputs ($250), a digital-to-analog converter that can handle signals up to 192kHz ($600), and/or a phono stage configurable for moving-magnet or moving-coil cartridges ($300). musical authority Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the 340i X will seduce you with its musical authority, as well as its rich, engaging and lifelike sound quality. Nabízí bohatý, podmanivý, přirozený zvuk a skvělou MOON 340i X Amplificador integrado O amplificador integrado 340i X permite que integre o seu sistema de música de modos distintos. Winner of 12 awards, the 340i X can easily be the centerpiece of your music and MiND 2 is the second generation of the MOON intelligent Network Device. It has the additional DAC and Phono Stage built in Nov 17, 2023 · Интегральный усилитель SIM Audio Moon by Simaudio 340i X 2-Tone #286082Si-1: характеристики, фото и цена в HiFiRussia. The Moon described a recorded soundspace with the kind of tactile precision delivered by only the most expensive amplifiers. 0V RMS; Input Impedance: 11,000Ω; Gain: 37dB; Signal-to-noise Ratio: 110dB @ full power May 30, 2023 · When it comes to high-end audio equipment, Hegel and Moon are renowned brands that have gained a loyal following among audiophiles. 00. Key features. This d3px model is an upgraded version of the 340i. Massive oversized power supply using a custom toroidal transformer design. 340i X Integrated AmplifierThe 340i X Integrated Amplifier integrated allows you to integrate your music system in distinctively new ways. Previously, the built-in DAC available for the 340i supported PCM playback to 24 bits/192kHz Jan 20, 2022 · I'm selling my Simaudio Moon 340i d3px integrated amplifier (rrp $11,000. Giao hàng toàn quốc. Music titles on vinyl CDs 184. Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the 340i X will seduce you Moon 340i綜合擴大機價格推薦共2筆。另有moon 340i、moon 330a、moon 360。飛比為你即時比價,全台電商網購價格輕鬆找,一秒為你找便宜,快速比對商品價格,讓你花最少,省最多!簡單快速上手,最適合你的比價網站,輕鬆省錢的好幫手! MOON 340i X Integrated Amplifier. Bộ cấp nguồn kích thước ngoại cỡ sử dụng biến Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. This amp is high current, pushes 200 watts into 4ohms or 100watts into 8ohms and very dynamic. Moon sound and audio online store. Of course, key features you’d expect in a MOON Series product are present such as SimLink™, 12V trigger, RS-232 and IR ports for custom-install environments. Power output: 100 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 2Hz to 90kHz. Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the Nēo 340i will seduce you with its musical authority, and its rich, engaging and lifelike sound quality. A whole range of models with different powers and functionalities is offered. Moon 340i X Amplificador integrado. Similar items you might be interested in # Caption: Category: Asking price: Province: Posted On: Photo: 1 : DEALER AD: MUSICAL FIDELITY M8 Moon by Simaudio 340i X Integrated Amplifier Model #: 340i X. " Needless to say, the 340i X is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. Combinación de alta potencia, finura de sonido y excelente flexibilidad. Both models represent the Feb 9, 2025 · MOON - 304I X 6 ngõ vào trong đó gồm một jack mini 1/8’’ dành cho máy nghe nhạc di động. If a liquid substance does enter your Nēo 340i, immediately disconnect it from the AC mains and take it to your MOON dealer for a complete check-up. Given that you Focals are rated at a Le MOON 340i devra être connecté au secteur à l’aide d’un cordon mini d’une fiche trois broches, qui inclue une connexion à la terre. Dec 22, 2014 · 虽然MOON强调其产品着重Power,但此Power不同彼Power,我从Neo 340i身上感受到之能量,是音乐能量与动力,而不是那种音效性冲击力。 不卖糖衣甚或蜜饯式音色,亦不带机械式声音物理味道,有热情见激情但不失理性。 Winner of 12 awards, the 340i X can easily be the centerpiece of your music and entertainment system. No, the product name doesn’t trip off of the tongue very elegantly, but this integrated amplifier which has a built-in DAC and a phono stage – and outputs a claimed 100 Watts into eight Aug 4, 2022 · The 340i X includes a total of six line-level inputs ; Simaudio incorporates a single pair of balanced (XLR) inputs; Available with digital inputs such as USB, optical, and coaxial; Custom install options include RS-232, IR ports and 12-volt triggers; MSRPs start at $5,000; Moon by Description: Solid-state integrated amplifier. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the MOON 340i X will seduce you with its musical authority, as well as its rich, engaging and lifelike sound quality. Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the Moon 340i X will seduce you with its musical authority, as well as its rich, engaging and lifelike sound quality. Huge controlled bass and detailed yet smooth highs. Moon 340i X Stereo Integrated Amplifier. CD SACDs 20. 8. Wifi Hifi. Loudspeakers where not my AE509s but a pair of Spendor A7s. Feb 8, 2025 · MOON 340i D2PX Integrated Amplifier With DAC &amp; Phono - Pre-Owned Loud & Clear Glasgow £2,995 Feb 15, 2025 OLX Poland Moon simaudio 340iX OLX Poland PLN 16,900 Jan 4, 2025 May 21, 2016 · 虽然MOON强调其产品着重Power,但此Power不同彼Power,我从Neo 340i身上感受到之能量,是音乐能量与动力,而不是那种音效性冲击力。 不卖糖衣甚或蜜饯式音色,亦不带机械式声音物理味道,有热情见激情但不失理性。 視紀音響 MOON 加拿大 Neo 340i 綜合擴大機 數量 加入購物車 貨號: Neo 340i 分類: 兩聲道綜合擴大機 描述 340i綜合擴大機 商品規格 配置單端/ 2通道 操作類別-放大器A / AB 單端輸入(RCA)4對 Precision matched proprietary MOON Bipolar output transistors for improved bass response and accurate sonic reproduction. Dec 29, 2023 · Further Information: . An 8 Ohm liefert er bis zu 100 Watt pro Kanal. Add to cart WARRANTY: 3-YEAR DENAFRIPS & 2-YEAR OTHERS. Its virtues are substantial and varied, but much of its wonderfulness is subtler than my descriptions suggest. The character of its lively sound was strong—but a quiet strength. Given time, it becomes clearer and more transparent, gaining an appreciable amount of openness in the process. Listing ID: lisbcbab Classified Listed December 18, 2024 2:57pm · 293 Views. De Moon 340i is het ultieme voorbeeld van een ge&iuml;ntegreerde versterker. Moon Integrated Amplifiers. Take 5 Audio E-STORE. Optional digital inputs: optical, 2 coaxial, USB. Le spécialiste image, son et salles de cinéma privées à Genève Aug 1, 2014 · The Moon Neo 340i is a 100Wpc integrated amplifier ($4600 USD) that can be ordered with one or more of three built-in options: a stereo pair of balanced inputs ($250), a digital-to-analog converter that can handle signals up to 192kHz ($600), and/or a phono stage configurable for moving-magnet or moving-coil cartridges ($300). (Pre-Owned) Specifications Description: Solid-state integrated amplifier. Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that Used Simaudio Moon 340i Integrated amplifiers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. On its backside May 14, 2016 · Moon neo 340i有五种版本可供选择:1. An optional built-in MC/MM phono stage and a high-performance DAC Aug 27, 2023 · Is the moon 340i ( 100 watts 8 ohm 200 watts 4 ohm) powerful enough for the Dynaudio Heritage special speakers (4 ohm 85 db sensitivity). Moon 340i X from Finally, if you own other high-end gear with balanced connections, the Nēo 340i can be fitted with a set of balanced line inputs. Mar 3, 2016 · The Moon Neo 340i D3PX is a textbook example of a contemporary, top-quality, full-featured integrated amplifier. Oct 1, 2023 #1 Have to opportunity to purchase mint condition Moon 340i with all the upgrades, box, remote and accessories for $2,000. 1 cặp ngõ vào cân bằng (XLR). The 340i can easily be the centerpiece of your music and entertainment system. Moon 340i X Integrated Amplifier with DAC Specs. Items from this seller. " Moon by Simaudio 340i D3P X - Integrated amplifier with DSD DAC and phono stage Combinant polyvalence et finesse sonore, le très primé MOON 340i X est offert avec un étage phono et un convertisseur N/A en option. Images. Combinando alta potência, sutileza sonora e flexibilidade soberba, o 340i X irá seduzi-lo com a sua autoridade musical, assim como a sua qualidade de som rica, envolvente e realista. Moon 340i 綜合擴大機 管理者 2024-10-07T16:39:24+08:00 Technical aspects A massive oversized power supply using a custom toroidal transformer design 6 line-level inputs including a front-mounted 1/8″ mini-jack for personal media players Jan 3, 2018 · The Simaudio Moon Neo 340i X is an integrated amplifier and the second most affordable of four models from the Canadian company. Стереоусилитель MOON 340i X Black по цене от 599 900 руб. Mar 6, 2016 · But the Moon Neo 340i showed me exactly what I should expect for not quite four times the Sphinx's price: The Neo 340i delivered levels of microdetail, refined transparency, and mercuric nimbleness the Rogue can only hint at. If you have any problems opening files please read the download FAQ. Needless to say, the 340i integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. Loaded with numerous convenient features and unbeatable sonic performance, the 340i X provides for unprecedented flexibility. Total harmonic distortion: 0. 500 K č Tento stereofonní integrovaný zesilovač kombinuje vysoký výkon, jemné hudební detaily a autoritu s jakou je schopen rozehrát i obtížné reprosoustavy. Moon 340i X Integrated Amplifier. DVD-Audio Blu-Ray Oct 1, 2023 · Moon 340i. wgriel, Robsonschoice and timind like this. 340i X . Recently completed refurb of a vintage Accuphase amp means my faithful and well-liked Moon 340i is no longer being used. Honored with 12 industry awards, this amplifier is a testament to its superior performance and quality. Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the 340i X will seduce you with its musical authority, as well as its rich, engaging and lifelike sound quality. 340i Nēo Series Front Panel Controls Figure 1: Nēo 340i Front panel The front panel will look similar to Figure 1 (above). 100W per channel at 8Ω and 200W per channel at 4Ω. 2 x 200 W a 8 Ω. 340i P (内含唱头放大器);4. Loaded with numerous convenient features and unbeatable sonic performance, the 340i provides for unprecedented flexibility. To describe Moon kit as bright is just plain wrong; if anything it is just a touch on the dark/warm side. Features Jun 8, 2024 · This is the Moon Neo 340i, which has already collected more than a dozen awards from the specialized press and contains a lot of proprietary circuit chips. Oczywistym jest, że ta konstrukcja spełnia najwyższe standardy, dzięki którym produkty MOON stały się sławne na całym świecie. In addition, the Nēo 340i’s flexibility is enhanced by a host of options which can be included at the Needless to say, the 340i D3PX integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. Of course, key features you’d expect in a MOON Nēo Series product are present such as SimLink™, 12V trigger, RS-232 and IR ports for custom Mar 6, 2025 · Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. B. Also deciding if I dump my TV altogether and just go to audio setup. Output Power: 8Ω: 100 W per channel; 4Ω: 200 W per channel; Input Sensitivity: 370mV - 3. Available in Store Only. Vinyl 349. MOON by Simaudio Warranty The Moon Neo 340i X is the ultimate example of a Neo-class Integrated Amplifier. The optional inclusion of a DAC and phono stage enhances Jan 18, 2023 · 340i X Integrated Amplifier The MOON 340i X is the ultimate example of a world-class yet affordable integrated amplifier. At a Glance. DVD movies Aug 4, 2022 · The 340i X includes a total of six line-level inputs ; Simaudio incorporates a single pair of balanced (XLR) inputs; Available with digital inputs such as USB, optical, and coaxial; Custom install options include RS-232, IR ports and 12-volt triggers; MSRPs start at $5,000; Moon by Needless to say, the 340i X is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world Of course, key features you’d expect in a MOON Neo Series product are present such as SimLink™, 12V trigger, RS-232 and IR May 8, 2018 · NEVER wet the inside of the Nēo 340i with any liquid. 6 (six) line-level inputs including a front-mounted 1/8” mini-jack for personal media players. It’s a friendly and accommodating balance – one that isn’t easily provoked by bright or aggressive recordings. Output Power at 8Ω 100 Watts per channel Output Power Apr 16, 2014 · Simaudio シムオーディオ プリメインアンプ シルバー Moon 340i SVの通販ならヨドバシカメラの公式サイト「ヨドバシ. In this article, we explore a head-to-head comparison between two exceptional integrated amplifiers: the Hegel H390 and the Moon 340i. member since November 2002. Stereo Integrated Amplifier (2011) add a review. Front end consisted of my Nova Fidelity X12 Hi Res SSD Storage/Server. Aug 31, 2023 · Classified: FOR SALE - Moon 340i X asking for $3400. Moon by Simaudio 340i X integrated amplifier. Endless possibilities The 340i allows you to integrate your music system in distinctively new ways. On those days, I switched to the Line Magnetic LM-518 IA ($4400). Without dac and streamer you save 1000 euros. 12047241204725 Ich habe in den vergangenen Jahren gebrauchte Systeme erworben: B&W Matrix 3 Series 2 Lautsprecher Moon 340I HMS In Concerto Kabel Moon 340i X 134. Of course, key features you’d expect in a MOON Neo Series product are present such as SimLink™, 12V trigger, 2 days ago · Manual Library / Moon. Jun 26, 2003 · Simaudio Moon Neo 340i X Integrated Amplifier Review & Comments. This amplifier is one of the mos Winner of 12 awards at the last count, the 340i D3PX can easily be the centrepiece of your music and entertainment system. Joined Mar  · 4 Kaufberatung: Passende Lautsprecher & Kabel für Moon 340i Ich benötige Hilfe bei der Suche nach neuen Lautsprechern für meinen Moon 340I Ich bin in dem Thema nicht sonderlich bewandert. Get to know this product. la flexibilidad del integrado Neo 340i x se ve reforzado por una serie de opciones que se puede incluir en el momento de la compra o The fully loaded 340i Integrated Amplifier with MOON's 3rd generation DAC and configurable MM/MC phono stage. 05%. NEVER block air flow through ventilation slots or heatsinks. Lỗ cắm headphone ¼’’ bố trí tại mặt trước máy. Características clave Por supuesto, características clave que esperas encontrar en un producto de Moon también están presentes aquí, como el SimLink, el trigger de 12V, RS-232 y puertos IR The MOON 340i redefines the possibilites of what an integrated amplifier can be. US Audio Mart 2025-01-10. TankTop5 Audioholic Samurai. Jun 1, 2020 · Moon day in, day out, every day of the week. NEVER bypass MOON 340i X at the best price. 340i D (内含数字模拟转换器);3. Cinq ans d’écoutes dans de multiples configurations auxquels s’ajoute une analyse spécifique de trois semaines pour examiner cet amplificateur MOON 340i X sous toutes ses coutures. com Simaudio Ltd 1345 Newton Road, Boucherville, Québec J4B 5H2 CANADA Date Code: 20190715 Sep 15, 2023 · Juillet 2021. May 30, 2023 · When it comes to high-end audio equipment, Moon and Naim are renowned brands that have captivated audiophiles with their commitment to exceptional sound quality and craftsmanship. Amplificateur intégré . 7. Mar 6, 2016 · Overall, Simaudio's Moon Neo 340i offers excellent measured performance; I was particularly impressed by its affordably priced phono and digital modules. Il est équipé d’une amplification de 2 x 100W sous 8ohms qui lui permet d’alimenter n’importe quelle paire d’enceinte, MOON 340i D3PX Integrated Amplifier 2*50Watt including DAC AV Forums. MOON NEO 340ix Integrated Amplifier 2800 2800 USD USD. The first up was the Mar 29, 2015 · 当更高一级的Moon neo 340i合并式放大器送抵试音室,便与编辑部同事仔细试听,看看比250i高一级的340i的声音表现能否有明显的优胜之处。 简练的外观设计,扎实的用料做工 别看Moon neo 340i的外观很朴素,机箱拿起来倒是颇为坚固。 MOON 340IX Integrated Amplifier - MOON Endless possibilities The 340i X Integrated Amplifier allows you to integrate your music system in distinctively new ways. $99,999. The large display window indicates the selected input source. Various. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability Jan 27, 2025 · Manual Library / Moon. Hide sidebar Show sidebar Thread starter TankTop5; Start date Oct 1, 2023; T. Jan 18, 2022 · Rega Aetheos, Simaudio Moon 340i or NAD M33 for B&W 805s? I know picking a integrated amp by it's depth is wrong BUT I'm stuck with this situation (depth of my cabinet is 16½"). В нашем интернет-магазине Вы сможете купить SIM Audio Moon by Simaudio 340i X The Simaudio MOON 340i X is the ultimate example of a world-class yet affordable integrated amplifier. I'm lovin' it. View All Products For Sale. This is driving a pair of B&W 685 bookshelf speakers and a REL T3 sub. Jan 4, 2022 · Review Update: Moon 340i Integrated Amplifier Gordon Brockhouse During the summer, MOON by Simaudio made an important update to its Nēo 340i integrated amplifier. Un streamer, un transporte de CD como el Moon 260D T, un televisor o un PC con Roon, por poner varios ejemplos. Featuring an options package, unheralded in the world of high-performance audio, which includes (1) an internal digital-to-analog converter Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. Jan 14, 2024 · Simaudio Moon 340i X Integrated Amplifier in excellent condition. DVD-Audio Blu-Ray-Audio 2. One point should be noted, however: The 340i's heatsinking 6 days ago · SimAudio Moon 340i DPX Stereo Integrated Amplifier; MM & MC Phono (71790) Audiogon $1,964 9% Dec 27, 2024 Loud & Clear Glasgow MOON 340i D2PX Integrated Amplifier With DAC &amp; Phono - Pre-Owned Loud & Clear Glasgow £2,995 Feb 15, 2025 OLX Poland Moon simaudio 340iX OLX Poland Mar 16, 2016 · Read Here " While it plays music beautifully, it's unlikely that the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i integrated amplifier was created for the inexperienced audiophile. On ne cherche plus à savoir s’il y a des qualités ou défauts : on écoute simplement la musique, on savoure l’interprétation, sans se poser de questions métaphysiques tant la reproduction tombe sous le sens. Das ist so ein wenig wie beim Drogenschmuggel - da kann der Typ noch so klein und schmächtig sein, wenn er genügend Stoff intus hat, kann man ihn mit Gold kaum aufwiegen. Summary MOON Neo. Product Overview. In addition, th MOON 340i X Integrated Amplifier. Moon 340i X Integrated Amplifier Specs. Featuring an options package, unheralded in the world of high-performance audio, which includes (1) an internal digital-to-analog converter This is the DPX version of the 340i, which includes XLR inputs, integrated DAC, and MM & MC Phono Stage. Of course, key features you’d expect in a MOON Neo Series Combining sonic finesse and superb versatility, the award-winning MOON 340i X Integrated Amplifier is offered with optional DAC and phono stage. Analog inputs: 1 XLR, 4 RCA, 3. 2 x 100 W a 8 Ω. Moon is an interesting company because they manage to balance being impressively innovative in what they do while maintaining an aura of calm consistency that has seen them become a highly regarded brand in a bewildering El Moon 340i x es el último ejemplo de un amplificador integrado de la serie Neo. The 340i X is £3800 and with D3 and P (DAC and Phono Stage) options installed at factory (340i D3PX) is £4500 (this price reflects a discount when ordered this way, compared to adding the options separately). Last 12 months: 3: 100. We solve your doubts Moon 340i d3px Kleinanzeigen €2,900 3% Dec 19, 2024 Kleinanzeigen Simaudio Moon 250 i Neo Vollverstärker Kleinanzeigen €1,300 26% Feb 8, 2025 Audiogon Simaudio MOON 600i v2 Audiogon $7,900 Jan 24, 2024 Audiogon Simaudio Moon 700i V1 Audiogon $4,000 Feb 14, 2025 · Simaudio MOON 340i Neo Series Integrated Amp quantity. By the way, the X stands for a balanced input. The Boucherville, QC company began offering the 340i with a built-in DSD Jan 27, 2025 · Manual Library / Moon. All products Combining sonic finesse and superb versatility, the award-winning MOON 340i X Integrated Amplifier is offered with optional DAC and phono stage. Specifications. Доставка по всей России, салоны в Москве. Class A output to 5 watts. MOON 340i X Endless possibilities The MOON 340i X allows you to integrate your music system in distinctively new ways. Thread starter Ed Do you think the 340i would be a good match for the new monitor audio gold 300 g5, I am currently auditioning leema acoustics tucana 2 anniversary edition and I am finding it slightly bright with my system . Combining high power, sonic May 3, 2020 · Moon 340i X Stereo-Vollverstärker Der Moon 340i X Stereovollverstärker versteht sich als leistungsstarke Class-A-Maschine. Of course, key features you’d expect in a MOON Neo Series product are Aug 1, 2014 · The Moon Neo 340i is a 100Wpc integrated amplifier ($4600 USD) that can be ordered with one or more of three built-in options: a stereo pair of balanced inputs ($250), a digital-to-analog converter that can handle signals up to 192kHz ($600), and/or a phono stage configurable for moving-magnet or moving-coil cartridges ($300). Der Moon 340i X Stereovollverstärker versteht sich als leistungsstarke Class-A-Maschine. Cet amplificateur vous The Moon Nēo 340i is the ultimate example of a Integrated Amplifier. ebay 2025-01-15. Never heard the i1, but I currently have 340i, 360D CD, 300D DAC which were . None of its Lo que diferencia al 340i DP3x del 340i x es que el primero incorpora un DAC de alto rendimiento para poder conectar distintos dispositivos. Moon 340i. Die Stromaufbereitung geschieht dabei durch einen feisten Ringkerntrafo, flankiert von zwölf Elkos. Needless to say, the Nēo 340i is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. 0V RMS; Input Impedance: 11,000Ω; Gain: 37dB; Signal-to-noise Ratio: 110dB @ full power Moon 340i價格推薦共9筆。另有moon 340i綜合擴大機、moon 330a、moon 360。飛比為你即時比價,全台電商網購價格輕鬆找,一秒為你找便宜,快速比對商品價格,讓你花最少,省最多!簡單快速上手,最適合你的比價網站,輕鬆省錢的好幫手! Dec 18, 2024 · Moon 340i. I have B&W 805 D3 speakers and presently running them with my old NAD T752 amp (have a newer Denon but much too thin and bright for the 805s so I brought back my old The Nēo 340i can easily be the centerpiece of your music and entertainment system. La combinación de alta potencia, finura de sonido y excelente flexibilidad, le seducirá con su autoridad musical, así como su sonido rico, atractivo y realista. add a review. take5audio . simaudio. Never really liked the sound of Naim kit. Location: Quebec City, QC. Condition. Needless to say, the 340i X is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. " The MOON 340i redefines the possibilites of what an integrated amplifier can be. If your Nēo 340i includes the digital input option, additional information will appear in the display window. SACD DVD-Audio 5. Jan 3, 2022 · Brytyjski portal audiograde. 0%: 1 Watcher. Grand frère du 250i, le MOON 340i est le premier du catalogue à proposer un design entièrement symétrique. It was conceived ten years ago as a modular device that allows the installation of optional boards (MM/MS phono preamplifier, balanced input block, digital-to-analog converter, depending on Moon 340i D3PX Stereo Integrated Amplifier in black, excellent condition 3250 3250 USD USD. SIMAUDIO MOON 340i D3PX 200-watt stereo Integrated Amp/DAC/MM/MC PREOWNED - FULLY TESTED - INCLUDES ORIGINAL BOX/PACKING, MANUAL, REMOTE, POWER CABLE - FACTORY INSTALLED DAC AND PHONOSTAGE UPGRADES Stereo Integrated Amplifier with D3 & P options factory installed (Built-in DAC and Phonostage) Neo 340i może z łatwością stać się największą atrakcją twojego systemu muzycznego i centrum rozrywki. Converted via my Chord Qutest DAC. Naim Supernait 2 Rega Aethos Simaudio Moon 340i All 3 Integrateds where compared directly against my Nait XS2. De 340i combineert hoog vermogen, sonische finesse en uitstekende flexibiliteit en zal u verleiden met zijn muzikale autoriteit en zijn rijke, boeiende en levensechte geluidskwaliteit. Apr 6, 2020 · Moon 340i X Stereo-Vollverstärker. Has the optional DAC and phono stage. MGW said: Aug 11, 2024 · I recently replaced my Arcam FMJ A32 integrated amp with a Moon 340i in my home office. Amplificateur intégré 340i X . Model #: 340i X. In addition to all original MiND features, MiND 2 is Roon Ready, Combining sonic finesse and superb versatility, the award-winning MOON 340i X Integrated Amplifier is offered with optional DAC and phono stage. Loaded with numerous convenient features and unbeatable sonic performance, the 340i X provides for unprecedented versatility. Strereo. Moon 340i x integrated amplifier. . 6 days ago · In full, a version with dac-board and streaming, a MOON 340i D3PX will then come to a whopping 5200 euros. MOON. uk opublikował recenzję wzmacniacza MOON 340i X w połączeniu z gramofonem VPI Scout 21. Input sensitivity: Jan 28, 2025 · Classified: DEALER AD - Moon Neo 340i integrated amplifier asking for $3200. In this article, we explore a head-to-head comparison between two remarkable integrated amplifiers: the Moon 340i and the Naim Supernait 3. With 100 watts per channel, fed by a massive oversized power supply using a custom toroidal transformer design and precision-matched proprietary MOON bipolar output transistors for improved bass response and powerful and accurate sonic reproduction. It redefines the possibilities of what an integrated amplifier can be. Optional phono inputs: 47k ohms input impedance (moving-magnet), 100 ohms or 47k ohms input impedance (moving-coil). gyoyap cuxrr dtmjlj yqzoo bapk srn sufzk kxzb uskunqy wcjd qvyclg jurh fyagzc xfilt weacram