Head of highways dorset council Never did receive an explanation from head man doing the work, or since when asking highways. All the Dorset councils currently have their own individual procurement strategies, Highways Head of Highways Corporate Director for Economic Growth and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder for Environment, Highways and Transport Jack Wiltshire Matthew Piles Cllr Ray Bryan Dorset Highways discharges Dorset Council’s responsibilities as a highway authority for Dorset’s network. Our aim is to raise awareness and The council does not expect the consultation zone for Dorset heaths habitat sites as defined on the policies map of the Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034) and Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2020-2025 SPD (figure 2 – Extent of the Dorset Heathlands and the 400 metres to 5 km area to change in this period: dorset-heathlands-2020-2025-spd-adopted. Jack Wiltshire, head of highways at Dorset Council, added: “In 2019 we declared a climate and environment emergency in Dorset, and we have since committed to being net zero by 2040. approx 200 m. 3 Providers must ensure any staff/volunteers requiring DBS checks have valid and up-to-date certificates that are renewed as required. 3% compared with the national average of 23. 2 The Chief Executive is the lead adviser to elected members and is the head of paid service. View Andy Ackerman’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. View details and apply for this Head of Geography (Part Time) at Castle Court School vacancy in Dorset. He replaces Theresa Leavy who has held the role since 2019. The provisional If this is held centrally i. “The highways team has committed to playing its part and we have already introduced a range of measures to reduce our carbon footprint, which include how we can reduce the embodied PA to Service Director - Economy at Dorset County Council · Experience: Dorset County Council · Education: Purbeck Upper School, Wareham, Dorset · Location: Greater Bournemouth Area · 24 connections on LinkedIn. We will achieve this through strategic leadership and collective accountability. This initiative empowers leaders with the skills and strategies needed to drive digital transformation and innovation within their organisations. 3 Corporate Services includes Finance & Commercial; Human Resources; Highways, Engineering & Transport; Planning; Waste Recycling & Resource Recovery; Highways, Travel and Environment Dorset county area will be carbon neutral by 2050 • A comprehensive engagement approach will be developed with residents, businesses, and town and parish councils • Dorset Council will source external funds to deliver against its 2050 ambitions, with a focus on housing and transport Dorset Council Decision Date 18 Jul 2024 People and Health Overview Committee 13 Jun 2024 Cabinet 9 Jul 2024 Cabinet Member for Wiltshire, Head of Highways jack. 7million of corporate capital funding to support highway maintenance strategies. The Board exists to protect adults at risk from abuse, significant harm or neglect. The width of the site Head of Highways at Dorset Jack Wiltshire told councillors this week that with the low funding spread over a relatively lengthy road network Dorset Council struggled to make improvements to its road infrastructure. Restrictions can include: 1. 8%. Asked numerous times, so please let us have Approved by (Director) Dorset County Council Head of Countryside and Business Development Date approved 27. The tragedy engulfed a car and killed two people. Paul has been Corporate Director Care and Protection at Dorset Council since May 2022. Talking and listening to people who use our services about their needs means we can use the latest tech like our digital platform or Microsoft 365 capabilities, to come up with solutions that work for them, this includes devices and tools to help us work smarter and more flexibly at Jack Wiltshire, Dorset Council Head of Highways, said: “This is a very heavily used walking route to shops, schools and to the beach, and this maintenance will improve accessibility for many people, especially wheelchair users, people with pushchairs, children on scooters and for anybody walking. £63,050 - £70,936 (Actual Salary) What is the Dorset Council has appointed a new Corporate Director for Education and Learning, following a rigorous recruitment and interview process. aim to stabilise the growth in municipal waste arisings per head, from parks and gardens to housing and highways. 1. Tests of the surface material have shown that it is unlikely to perform as expected and needs Read more Goulds Hill to close DORSET COUNCIL PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2022/23 1. changing the class of a road from A to B) stopping up of highway under the Highways Act 1980; Statutory registers and public documents Blandford, using the Dorset Highways Works Term Service Contract, within the approved capital funding. He told his councillors last week that with the low funding spread over a relatively lengthy road network Dorset Council struggled to make improvements Roads, highways and maintenance; Road safety; Road safety. Travel information. 3 Corporate Services includes Assurance; Highways, Dorset Travel); Place based services (Environment & Wellbeing, Response from the Head of Highways . A corporate approach to commercial activity in terms of setting fees and charges ensures that chargeable services represent best value to the residents of the council’s local authority area. Two weeks work was completed earlier this month to rebuild and strengthen the edges of the carriageway and resurface a 1800m stretch of road. “It is a complex scheme to build, with 4 Jobs and careers with Northumberland County Council - Do you want to help make Northumberland a ‘Land of Great Opportunities’? ROLE OF THE JOBWe are restructuring the management arrangements for our Highways, Transport and Climate Change services to create two new Heads of Service. Dorset Council is part of an Integrated Care System (ICS) and has recently become a founder member of the new Dorset Data and Analytics Centre of Excellence (DACOE) reflecting its role in the wider system towards using data and analytics to improve outcomes for people in Dorset. Dorset Council Dorset Council gave me the opportunity to progress Head of Legal Services "I have been working in legal services within local government for over 15 years and have" Hannah Massey "From We provide advice mainly to the Council’s Highways Asset Management Policy and Strategy 2022. Decision Maker Dorset Council Decision Date 5 Dec 2024 Joint Overview Committee Cabinet 29 Oct 2024 19 Nov 2024 Leader and Cabinet Head of Highways · I am a Civil Engineer, manager and a deep thinker. uk approved by the former Dorset County Council. Collision Dashboard 2023. I will be forever grateful for the Job Title: Head of Highways Tel: 01963 365921 Email: jack. The look and feel of a 20 mph limit/zone is important. Purpose of the Report Dorset County Council Highway Office Centres of population North Blandford Gillingham Shaftesbury Stal bridge Sturminster Newton South Dorchester Lytchett Views are being sought by The Western Gateway Sub Transport Body on a shortlist of 38 transport investment priorities proposed for the west of England region over the next decade. The multi-agency safeguarding adults policy and Multi-agency safeguarding adults procedures set out the procedures used by Dorset Council, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council and partner agencies. Menu. 6 CGB members from Dorset Council are Cllr Ray Bryan, Cllr Mike Parkes, Cllr Rod Adkins and Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways. Jack Wiltshire brings experience from previous roles at Dorset Council and Dorset County Council. Businesses, interest groups and people who live, work or travel in the Western Gateway region are Council Tax Councillors, committees and elections Countryside, coast and parks Education and training Emergencies and severe Roads, highways and maintenance Sport and leisure Travel information Tourist information Your community Surfacing works around the Dorset Council area are taking place over the next three months to extend the life of urban I will pass your comment on to the highways team. Email address . Dorset Highways Asset Management Plan Review 2022 For Decision Portfolio Councillor(s): All Executive Director: J Sellgren, Executive Director of Place Report Author: Jack Wiltshire Title: Head of Highways Tel: 01963 365921 Email: j. Dorset Council faces rising pressures on services, for example with the growing number of older people in Dorset who need social care support. • Other matters which directly affect the parish of Portland. uk in light of the committee referral requests made by Dorset Council members and noting concerns raised by the Parish Council. Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways, Dorset Council, said: “We monitor collision data provided by Dorset Police across our highway network and these junctions have, sadly, been the site of several injury collisions. wiltshire@dorsetcounci l. Dorset Council. They have little to no foundation, and under the road surface is essentially the gravel track they have evolved from over many years. pdf Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways, Dorset Council, said: “This is the final piece in the jigsaw making it easier for people to travel between Ferndown and Wimborne, safely and without the need to depend on a car. 3 Corporate Services includes Assurance; Highways, Dorset Travel); Place based services (Environment & Wellbeing, Community & Public Protection, Waste Operations, West Dorset District Council - Brownfield Register (3 December 2017) Weymouth & Portland Borough Council - Brownfield Register (3 December 2017) Sites currently included on the Brownfield Registers are also available to view on our Highways Head of Highways Corporate Director for Economic Growth and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder for Environment, Highways and Transport Jack Wiltshire Matthew Piles Cllr Ray Bryan Dorset Highways discharges Dorset Council’s responsibilities as a highway authority for Dorset’s network. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults Children and families Climate and ecological Well, my time at Dorset Council UK Highways has come to an end. ” Roads, highways and maintenance Sport and leisure child’s school if they have taken up the Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA) training that is available through Dorset Council. The team combine virtual and face to face meetings. The successful candidate, Amanda Davis, will focus on the development and delivery of the Children’s Education and Learning Service, including school admissions, out of school services, Special Educational Needs (SEN) and We are introducing new warning signs at three high-risk junctions to remind drivers they need to slow down and be extra vigilant. · Experience: Dorset Find contact details, responsibilities and salaries of the senior staff in Dorset Council. Summary of recommendation: Delegate authority to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Street to the east and a Council highway depot to the west. The official opening was attended by Cllr Cherry Brooks, Cllr William Knight, Chairman of Langton Matravers Parish Council, Helen Wemyss, Headteacher and Tony Price from Dorset Highways. 3. Dorset Council recommends DBS check are updated at least every three years. Cllr Andrews continued: “The traffic management is there to ensure the safety of drivers, pedestrians and our highways crews. 9. Our aim is to raise awareness and Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways, Dorset Council, said: “We monitor collision data provided by Dorset Police across our highway network and these junctions have, sadly, been the site of several injury collisions. For more information or for an application form please contact The Definitive Map Team on 01305 224463. National Highways (formerly Highways England) Lindsay Lucas, Head of Training and Consultancy (Deputy CEO) at Cosmic said: “We are excited to partner with Dorset Council to deliver our Digital Leadership training programme. All of the trees are £4 million for Place services including transport, highways and planning services. Response from Head of Highways: 1. Why Dorset? What we can offer you; Our Values; Our commitment to equality; Our approach to recruitment; Care Dorset Title: Head of Finance - SAST Central. The successful Dorset Council operates a Petitions Scheme that enables residents to submit petitions to us about issues in details of a petition relating to Highway Issues, submitted by the residents of Mountbatten Drive, Ferndown, Dorset BH22, and the response of the Head of Highways, is set out in the documents below: petition from residents of Dorset Council highways service are responsible for maintaining most of the highway structures in the council area. 8. Natural Environment, Climate and Ecology Strategy 2023 to 25 Refresh - Dorset Council. 1h · Our Building Control and Highways teams, along with the contractor’s Site Manager, recently met with SGN and SSE to discuss the reconnection of gas and electric services and restoration of road services following the fire at the Gorge Café on South Street, Dorchester. This is Dorset Council’s third Bus Service Improvement Plan and as the recently elected Cabinet member responsible for 13. I have 35 years highway experience in both the private and public sectors covering all aspects of highway management including; Service Delivery, Commissioning of Services, Contract Management, Business Management, Operational and Financial Systems Management, Asset Management and The Dorset Rights of Way Improvement Plan is Dorset Council's long-term management strategy for public Rights of Way and countryside access. Dorset's Economic Growth Strategy 2020 to 2024 - Dorset Council. Search. Our sweeper crew will Following the recent local elections in Dorset which resulted in the Liberal Democrats winning control of Dorset Council, some key roles were agreed at the Annual Meeting of Dorset Council on Thursday 16 May. Dorset Council will evaluate 20mph schemes on a location-by-location basis but there is no restriction on local town/parish councils and/or local ward members coordinating their applications. Please expect some delays and plan accordingly. Decision Maker Cabinet Decision Date 28 Jan 2025 Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Property & Assets and Economic Growth, Cabinet Member for Place Services Gemma Clinton, Head of Commercial Waste and Strategy gemma. 2 The revised Dorset Highways Skidding Resistance Strategy Review 2021 is aligned to new guidance set out in (Image: Dorset Council) Head of Highways at Dorset Council, Jack Wiltshire, told the meeting that even the large concrete blocks currently in place on the Hollow were not certain to contain a Get into top gear at APSE's Highways, Street Lighting and Winter Maintenance Seminar 2023! 🔝🛣️ A unique event in the local government calendar, join APSE in Blackpool for a seminar buzzing You can also: click an annotation or symbol on the map for a full description of the activity and restriction in place; type a location into the 'search' box Head of Highways at Dorset Jack Wiltshire told councillors this week that with the low funding spread over a relatively lengthy road network Dorset Council struggled to make improvements to its road infrastructure. Our aim is to raise awareness and 84% are resident in Dorset Council area with 16% placed out of county; Dorset Council purchases 30% of occupied beds in the county; 16 homes out of 100 in the county, accept rates on the Dorset Care Framework; Approximately, 100 care homes in the Dorset Council area provide care for older people, with a total of 3,552 beds. There will have been an % increase in the number of Dorset based firms accessing training on public procurement requirements and accessing public sector frameworks and contracts; New contracts with Dorset Council will include skills development, training and apprenticeship opportunities for Dorset’s residents; Lead role / service: DORSET COUNCIL PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2025/26 1. Cllr Ray Bryan, the portfolio holder for Highways, Travel and the Environment stated: “This is a good example of what can be achieved by working together to Various authorities have been responsible for local administration in Dorset; the responsibilities of these authorities included poor relief, education, highways, the courts and building control. Fern Blick, Longburton DT9 5PD . an overall response rate for Dorset of 30. The service manages over 2,400 miles of roads, Response from the Head of Highways . We work closely with various departments within the Council including Assets and Property, Housing, Planning and Highways and with some of the other teams in Legal Services. Apply for job vacancies and make a request for a new School Crossing Patrol site. Our largest project currently is to stabilise the slopes at Dinah's Hollow. “They have little to no foundation, and under the road surface is essentially the gravel track they have evolved from over many years. 1 Dorset Council (DC) is a new unitary authority which was created on 1 April 2019 and replaced the previous County Council (Dorset County Council) and district and borough councils (East Dorset, North Dorset, Purbeck, West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland). 1 Background Section 41 of the Highways Act places a statutory duty upon Dorset Council, as the local highway authority, to maintain the highway network to safe and serviceable standards. We are looking to appoint an energetic, enthusiastic and inspiring part-time Head of Geography for September 2025 who will continue to promote high academic standards in this subject. Our aim is to raise awareness and Blandford, using the Dorset Highways Works Term Service Contract, within the approved capital funding. District, borough and county councils. We currently have agreements in place with the following organisations: Verge cutting contacts (urban areas provide training to Dorset Council staff, school colleagues and other partners on the ‘Framework for Understanding, Accessing and Fostering Belonging’ increase the number of Dorset Council staff, school colleagues and other partners trained in person-centred approaches and deliver refresher training where needed Highways Asset Management Policy and Strategy 2022. Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 to 2026 - Dorset Council Head of Service - Highways Infrastructure · • Specialist Surfacing • Project Management • Traffic Engineering • Road Safety Audits • Network management • Accident Investigation & DTAG asks Dorset Council to support car reduction targets in Highways Head of Highways Corporate Director for Economic Growth and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder for Environment, Highways and Transport Jack Wiltshire Matthew Piles Cllr Ray Bryan Dorset Highways discharges Dorset Council’s responsibilities as a highway authority for Dorset’s network. Whether this is your first post, or you’ve been here for a long time, this guide aims to provide you with quick and easy access to the most fundamental (and most useful!) information. Road traffic collision map. These new roles will provide additional senior management DORSET COUNCIL PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2023/24 1. Sherborne. 8 This delegated authority most representative from the council; Dorset Police; Alternatively, after reviewing draft event plans, the council or the police may call a traffic management meeting. Our aim is to raise awareness and DORSET COUNCIL - WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 20 FEBRUARY 2020 That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning to The Highways Officer highways map; statutory List of Streets; provisional maps of common land and village greens; We are also in charge of: issuing formal road adoption; re-classification notices (e. About Dorset Council About Dorset Council. Emma Selway - Road Safety Officer "Working in a department vital to everyone who lives in, works in, or travels through An external person to the council will be appointed to investigate your complaint, along with an independent person to ensure that the process is open, transparent and fair. 3 Corporate Services includes Assurance; Highways, Dorset Travel). 1 Dorset Council (DC 2. Christmas closure information We will be closed on the following dates: Wednesday 25 December; Thursday 26 December; Wednesday 1 January; For out of hours emergencies call: 01305 221000 Dorset Council, in its capacity as the local highway authority for Dorset, has a statutory responsibility in respect of Winter Service which is set out Section 41 Highways Act 1980 - Duty to maintain highways maintainable at public expense. Durlston Head to Rame Head shoreline management plan (SMP2) this was Blandford, using the Dorset Highways Works Term Service Contract, within the approved capital funding. e. See the Western Gateway draft Strategic Investment Plan 2025-2035. File Ref: POLDH5004 Page 7 of 9 Rev:2 Ch:0 Date: 29/03/21 Dorset Highways AppendixNotice requiring 2 - Section removal 149 Noticeof thing Pro so Formadeposited on highway as to be a nuisance Dorset Council Highways Act 1980 Section 149 To (name and address of person depositing thing) (describe deposited material or thing) has been deposited by you on the DORSET HIGHWAYS 2015 Head of Highways Network Management Service Manager Network Development Service Manager Network Operations Service Manager DELIVERY TEAMS . wiltshire@dorsetcc. KEY OUTCOMES –COMMUNICATIONS Release of vehicle: procedure for vehicle release from highway - CLE1214: Release of vehicle: procedure for vehicle release from the pound: a full case file will be prepared by the Enforcement Officer and then reviewed and signed off by the Head of Strategy, Dorset Council’s Waste Enforcement Team. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults Children and families Climate and ecological Jack Wiltshire, Dorset Council Head of Highways, said: “These roads have become so damaged they require extensive repairs to ensure that homes and businesses can continue to be safely accessed. 1 Dorset Council 2. CoP for the Classification of Highway Safety Defects & Hazards: v 3. I am proud to head a service of such dedicated and knowledgeable people, who work together, support each other, and encourage learning and development, to ensure we provide high quality legal advice for the council and benefit of those who live, work, and visit Dorset. The policy relates to the following laws: Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980; Head of Highways and Transportation at Dorset County Council · Experience: Dorset County Council · Location: Dorchester · 2 connections on LinkedIn. Paul Dempsey has been appointed as the Executive Director of People – Children at Dorset Council. He was appointed to the Executive Director role following a robust recruitment process. In short, Mr Wiltshire, we need much greater Vision from Dorset County Council as well as improved visibility. Public Brief Summary: The council and Network Rail have been working together over several years to find a permanent solution to remove the risk of a serious or fatal injury occurring at Wareham Pedestrian Level Crossing. 5 bus passenger journeys per head of There are low levels of satisfaction with bus services in Dorset. Log in to my account. with the BCP council area receiving £9million last year to improve services with rural Dorset receiving nothing. The aims and objectives for the Dorset Bus Service Improvement Plan (“BSIP”) are: to significantly increase the number of people using local buses across Dorset by increasing local bus service frequencies, extending daily service times, adding additional services to better connect more isolated areas, increase bus reliability and user satisfaction, and meet new Head of Highways at Dorset Jack Wiltshire told councillors this week that with the low funding spread over a relatively lengthy road network Dorset Council struggled to make improvements to its road infrastructure. Hybrid working is a hot topic and something that teams across Dorset Council are discussing as we look at how we work in the future. • We will develop the potential of county farms and the wider council estate to directly contribute towards nature recovery • There will have been an improvement in air, land and water quality since last measured Head of Environment and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment Dorset Council will be carbon-neutral by 2040 Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways, said: The Romans built viaducts in Dorset 2,000 years ago. The National Highways and Transport Network Survey 2023 survey showed only 48% are satisfied with local Highways Asset Management Policy and Strategy 2022. Share this page. 7 Detailed decisions at the CGB will be informed by the TCF Assurance Framework. strategy across all highway assets, to include recommendations for a five year annual commitment of £6. 2. Review of Planning Applications Notified by Dorset Council To review and comment on recent planning applications, as notified by Dorset Council, attached as Annexe B to the agenda. uk • Matters where the Town Council has powers or duties. 4 The full HAMP was last approved in December 2018 by the former Dorset County Council and Shadow Executive for Dorset Council, for implementation Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways, Dorset Council, said: “We monitor collision data provided by Dorset Police across our highway network and these junctions have, sadly, been the site of several injury collisions. Place based services (Environment & Wellbeing, Community & Public Protection, Waste Operations, Dorset Council officers told the eastern area planning committee, meeting in Wimborne, that councillors should reject the Lidl proposal because of the damage to the Green Belt. 2 This is the first Pay Policy Statement for Dorset Council for the financial year 2020/21 Roads, highways and maintenance Sport and leisure Travel information Write to us at our head office: Dorset Council County Hall Colliton Park Dorchester Dorset DT1 1XJ Opening times are Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm. The definitive map and statement is the legal record for public rights of way. 1 2. Diversions - Section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 There are 2 Shoreline Management Plans which cover the Dorset coast: Poole and Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan (SMP2) covering the length of coast between Hurst Spit near Milford-On-Sea and Durlston Head near Swanage, including the harbours of Poole and Christchurch. Our aim is to raise awareness and The Highways team enjoy a hybrid way of working – here they gather for a ‘toolbox’ talk at the new Bridport depot. Purpose 1. Visit us. Dorset Council has developed a Highways asset management policy and strategy aligned to priorities set out in the Dorset Council Plan. Our aim is to raise awareness and . 10. View Karen Gondelle’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults Children and families Climate and ecological Proposals for an improvement of the C13 at Dinah’s Hollow have been discussed by Dorset Council for over ten years. wiltshire@ which we can then communicate to all Highways staff, Dorset Council Members, The management of Dorset's highway verge is delivered by our Greenspace Service and is divided into two distinct programmes: rural – for roads with speed but some are cut by local agreements with town or parish councils. The service manages over 2,400 miles of roads, as well as being responsible for The HAMP demonstrates how our Highways Service strategy is aligned to, and supports, all of the key priorities documented in the Dorset Council Plan, including safety and Dorset Council, BCP Council and Swanage Town Council have jointly worked on a fare counter proposal which we believe is more aligned with current national guidance and our Local Jack Wiltshire, based in Dorchester, GB, is currently a Head of Highways at Dorset Council. It supports the focus of the Corporate Plan of Dorset Council to make Dorset a great place to live, work and visit, priorities being: Jack Wiltshire, Dorset Council Head of Highways, said: “These roads have become so damaged they require extensive repairs to ensure that homes and businesses can continue to be safely accessed. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults Children and families Climate and ecological Highways Asset Management Policy and Strategy 2022. Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways at Dorset Council, said: “We encourage local communities to decide upon new speed management measures in their areas, and we listened to the concerns of residents and the parish council before introducing these new limits. Councils are required by law to set a balanced budget with expenditure equal to revenue. Highways, Travel and Environment Dorset county area will be carbon neutral by 2050 • A comprehensive engagement approach will be developed with residents, businesses, and town and parish councils • Dorset Council will source external funds to deliver against its 2050 ambitions, with a focus on housing and transport A joint strategy by the Dorset councils to guide the way that waste will be dealt with over the next 25 years. The National Highway and Transport Public Satisfaction Survey (NHT Survey) collects the public's views on different aspects of Highway and Transport in local authority areas, it covers: Pavements Cycle Routes/Lanes ICT and Digital touches every single area of the council - and everyone who works with us. the head teacher or manager of the specialist placement being considered ; For example, if your request is for a place at Yewstock Special School, this is what would happen: Your request is considered by the SEND Panel to decide if Yewstock School could be appropriate for your child. Road Safety Strategy 2021 to 2030. As an employee you will need to understand many policies, procedures and principles in your everyday work. Head of Highways and Transportation at Dorset County Council · Experience: Dorset County Council · Location: Dorchester · 2 connections on LinkedIn. Your community. . Sport and leisure. The service manages over 2,400 miles of roads, For the purpose of the General Data Protection Act 2018 I give my consent to this form and related information being processed and retained on file and to the council verifying the information I have provided with relevant third parties in administering its recruitment process. Tourist information. Careers Site Advertising Start Date. 8. Ashby. This includes regular inspections, maintenance, upgrading work, management of substandard bridges prior to upgrading and replacement. I currently lead a highway service consisting of 415 people and am also the strategic lead for our £500 million private sector partnership with Hanson Contracting. Presently, we have seventeen (17) expressions of interest for 20mph schemes. wiltshire@dorsetcouncil. Respectfully submitted, Julian E. Rights of way map - Where to walk, ride or cycle View a map showing rights of way to find out where to walk, ride or cycle in Dorset Dorset’s Corporate Parenting Strategy 2020 to 2023 - Dorset Council. Councillor Ray Bryan, Dorset Council’s Portfolio holder for Highways, Travel, said: “We are delighted that Wareham now has its own rapid charger for use by residents and visitors alike. PA to Service Director - Economy at Dorset County Council · Experience: Dorset County Council · Education: Purbeck Upper School, Wareham, Dorset · Location: Greater Bournemouth Area · Head of Highways at Dorset Jack Wiltshire told councillors this week that with the low funding spread over a relatively lengthy road network Dorset Council struggled to make The current funding allocation method for highways does not help 'shire# counties, as it means the money is spread too thin, according to Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways at Dorset Council. Jack Wiltshire, Dorset Council Head of Highways, said: “After the work has finished an advisory 20mph speed limit will be in place while the stone chippings are further bedded-in by vehicles travelling over the surface. In July 2012, a landslip at Beaminster Tunnel overwhelmed the head wall depositing a large quantity of soil on to the highway. Roads, highways and maintenance. Commissioning is a key enabler to support and deliver sustainable change and deliver better public services. View Andy Ackerman’s profile on The current funding allocation method for highways does not help ‘shire# counties, as it means the money is spread too thin, according to Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways at Dorset Council. 1. School Crossing Patrols . clinton@dorsetcoun cil. Dry Stone Walling – Avalanche Road Response from the Head of Highways . Dorset History Centre holds records for Dorset Council as well as many superseded authorities including Dorset County Council, and district and 1. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults Name: Dorset Highways Tel: 01305 221020 Full contact details. head office, providers must be able to provide assurance that this information is available on request. Councillors were Dorset council - online services for the unitary authority of Dorset Council. Strategic commissioning is a mechanism to get the best possible outcomes within resources available (ensuring best value) by deciding how to use our resources for children, young people and parents in the most efficient, effective, equitable and sustainable way. Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways . 6 Place includes Economic Growth & Infrastructure (Planning, Highways, Dorset Travel); Place based services (Environment & Wellbeing Cllr Jon Andrews, Cabinet Member for Place Services at Dorset Council, said: “We are all feeling the pressure of continued rising costs, including the council. Telephone number . The investigators will speak with everyone involved in your complaint, including you, read all the relevant records and write a report for the Head of Children's and Families Services. 2 The Chief Executive is the lead adviser to elected members and the head of paid service. g. Find my nearest. Skip to Content Toggle navigation. uk Report Status: Choose an item. All Locations. The work includes sales and purchases, leases, licences, easements and wayleave and telecoms access agreements and other specialised legal documents. 3 Corporate Services includes Assurance 2. Dorset Highways discharges Dorset Council’s responsibilities as a highway authority for Dorset’s network. Dorset Domestic Abuse Strategy - Dorset Council. Dorset County Council will be carrying out major maintenance on the Bournemouth Spur Road in 2015/16. uk Executive Lead for Place Directorate (Jan Britton) Subject / Decision Decision Maker Date the Decision is But the head of highways at Dorset Council said there was a risk of a fatality at the Hollow unless the proposed tree felling and full stabilisation works went ahead. 0, r 0 4 Introduction 1. gov. Lidl’s regional head of property, James Mitchell, told the meeting that if the scheme were refused the company would have no option but to appeal. Councillors, committee meetings and current and previous elections. Information on road traffic casualties in the Dorset Council area. Your council. Finding somewhere to locate charge points in this historic Anglo-Saxon walled town was a real challenge, but it’s vital that we continue to develop the vehicle charging infrastructure Dorset Highways will be returning to Goulds Hill, between Martinstown and Upwey, next week. Highways Asset Management Policy and Strategy 2022. In line with the ICT Acceptable Use Policy if there is evidence to suggest that users have wilfully or negligently failed to abide by these policy requirements, Dorset Council has the right to investigate which may result in disciplinary action If you want to hold an event on the public highway, you need to apply for temporary traffic restrictions to safely accommodate your event. 12 Mar 2025. If a right of way is shown on the definitive map and statement, that is conclusive evidence in law that there is a public right of way as shown and that it has at least the status indicated, but without prejudice as to any question of additional public rights which may exist along it. Draft Council Plan 2024-2029 Key Decision - Yes Public Access-Open A draft of the new Council Plan for discussion and approval, setting out the council’s strategic priorities for the next 5 years. Section 58 of the Highways Act 1980 provides a statutory defence against claims arising from highway defects, if it can be proven that that the council took all reasonable steps to avoid the accident; claims are not met where there is no evidence of negligence or a breach of statutory duty; not all Highways are the responsibility of Dorset Council Welcome to your role in Dorset Council. Double Yellow Lines along the left-hand side of Mountbatten Drive (MD) Members, Ferndown Town Council Members, Dorset Police, Head Teachers of Ferndown First School and Middle School and Dorset Council Highways Officers, a request had already been made by this group to introduce double yellow lines on the Service Head: Andy Ackerman, Head of Highways, Client Services 1. uk DORSET COUNCIL PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2024/25 1. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults Children and families Climate and ecological Highways, Travel and Environment Dorset county area will be carbon neutral by 2050 • A comprehensive engagement approach will be developed with residents, businesses, and town and parish councils • Dorset Council will source external funds to deliver against its 2050 ambitions, with a focus on housing and transport Council leader Rebecca Knox said Mr Martin would be sadly missed, both by councillors and colleagues: “I know that highways get a huge amount of letters and you seem to reply to them all. “With the increasing demands on council services, the ongoing reduction in government funding, and rising inflation, our parking tariffs will increase from 3 April to meet these challenges and continue to support Job Title: Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy, Place Services Tel: +441305224716 using Dorset Highways Works Term Service Contract within the approved capital funding. This would either be with the class teacher, the head of year or similar. Dorset Council have previously installed thirty-one (31) 20mph schemes and are committed to introducing more schemes as part of the new process. I owe much to the colleagues and friends I leave behind, both professionally and personally. Advertising Salary. Head of Highways at Dorset Jack Wiltshire told councillors this week that with the low funding spread over a relatively lengthy road network Dorset Council struggled to make improvements to its road infrastructure. At the meeting the event promoter will: brief attendees on the traffic matters relating to the event; present a draft traffic management plan; The council and the police will: DORSET COUNCIL PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2021/22 1. 2014 Member/ Partnership Board Approval Environment Overview Committee and Member/Chairman of the NEW APPROACH TO MANAGING DORSET’S HIGHWAY VERGES What we bring to Dorset Dorset Highways manages over 2,400 miles of roads, as well as being responsible for everything associated with the highways which includes things Read more about why Ian works for Dorset Council. 1 Dorset Council declared a climate and ecological emergency in 2019 and Title: Head of Highways Tel: 01963 365921 Email: j. The service manages over 2,400 miles of roads, It should be noted that, while the council has a power to process diversions, this is not a statutory duty and as such only limited resources can be allocated to it. mrhdbx fpnkuu eib iaawxe pxtzw irdg qhbai pkj mqoprg fbgodd thajl epg cqvusi xtym pkxaa