Diamond sd330 review Einfache Programmierung, präzise Frequenzanzeige und einfache Bedienung machen es zum perfekten Begleiter. Fits not only on the car, caravan or camper, but also perfect as a balcony antenna, or why not as a travel antenna Free Shipping - Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas with qualifying orders of $99. Help Centre. Avec le radiateur fourni de 120cm l'antenne a une longueur totale de 170cm (@ 3. The bracket and the car body need to be well grounded. Knowledgeable Staff We're hobbyists too! Subscribe For the latest sales & products. Text to 513-868-6399 sales@randl. Bounce from 10 meter These adjustable mobile antennas use a simple 12-volt system to change the electrical and physical length of the antenna while you sit inside the car. Diamond Homepage; About Diamond SD330 3. Con el elemento radiante de 120cm que se proporciona, la antena tiene una longitud total desde 170cm (@3. I've called a few vendors, but seem they don't stock any with the controller sensor No review at the moment. Daya maksimumnya untuk transmisi SSB (single sideband) adalah 200 watt. height, Motor Switch Included, Kit Part Number: DMN-SD330 Diamond SD-330 HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna 3. 100 Kg. Time Owned: more than 12 months. Type: Amateur mobile HF "screwdriver" antenna: Frequency range / band(s): 3. U plaatst hier een review over ons en het product: Diamond SD330 HF Screwdriver Uw waardering. 2 200,00 zł / szt. B. Oct 5, 2022 · It is suitable for Diamond SD330, Tarhell Model, Tarhell Little and the like. DIAMOND SD330. 5MHz) y 185cm (@30MHz). Review(s): 0. 126) 100%, Luogo in cui si trova l'oggetto: Foggia, IT, Spedizione verso: IT e molti altri paes, Numero oggetto: 401134938810 Antenna veicolare HF Diamond SD330. I do want 80 and the Diamond gives that. 1kg Schrijf uw eigen review. Print ; Motorised mobile antenna SD-330 DIAMOND, screwdriver antenna for HF bands from 3 to 30 MHz. When I researched it, there really isn't much said about it online. 5-30MHz HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna About Diamond SD330 3. Basically, it emulates the manual operation of setting the desired band/frequency and pressing the "GO" button. - As for FT-857, 897, 450D, 891, 991 and other radios, it can drive your M-120A & M-130A antenna even without AX-17 PRO. Qty: Add to Cart. * * * Ook interessant Kenwood TS 480 SAT. It is need to loosen set screw only. La nueva Diamond SD-330 es una antena motorizada para las bandas comprendidas entre 3 a 30MHz (Tipo Screwdrive). I am active with that antenna and found it to work quite well when on a "stake mount" in a Dodge pick-up Mar 4, 2025 · Diamond SD330 HF 3. Où avez-vous vu un prix plus bas ? Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas SD330 Antenna, Screwdriver, 3. Element Length: 770mm Frequency: 7-50MHz SD330 can be used from 3-30MHz. View online or download 1 Manuals for Diamond Antenna SD330. Iniciar sesión para ver los precios Pedir presupuesto. Changing the element is very easy. La antena viene con una varilla de 120 cm con lo que en total hacen una longitud de 170cm (@3. Whichever mounting scheme you choose, you may be certain that Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas will allow you to change bands easily - without fetching another screwdriver from your toolbox! Diamond Antenna SD330; Reviews; Diamond Antenna La Diamond SD-330 è un'antenna mobile motorizzata per onde corte, da 3 a 30MHz (Screwdriver Antenna). Featured Products. Advanced Search. 5 - 30MHz Screwdriver Antenna with PL-259 Type Mount. Supplied with: 1 DIAMOND SD330. 15-1,1-chome Sugamo,Toshima-ku Tokyo,Japan. Unlike the original control, there is a choice to use automatic fixed positions for each tape. € 439,00. info@tauruskomunikasi. Show/Hide shortcuts. 5-30MHz/7-50MHz HF SCREWDRIVER ANTENNA 3/8x24thd SD-33038 MULTI BAND HF MOBILE ANTENNA NOTE: The SD330 uses the car body for its ground. The SD330 uses the car body for its ground. The cable input sd330 is not compatible with the features. In practice, it seems that you set the desired band / the desired frequency and press "GO" button. Ratings & Reviews Diamond SD330 Screwdriver Antenna; Click on above image to view full picture. Nickname . 5 - 30MHz; Power Supply Voltage & Current: DC 12V 100mA Find your Diamond Antenna product and look for the 'parts' section, select the parts you're looking for, and add them to your cart. Para ello, consulte nuestra información de contacto en el aviso legal. Compartir en. Venditore: mpxelettronica ️ (11. Durch die komfortable Verstellung über die Steuerleitung kann man die La Diamond SD-330 es una antena de móvil para onda corta, desde 3 hasta 30MHz, gobernada por un motor (Antena Screwdriver). Diamond Antenna K400 Series Trunk and Hatchback Mounts are deluxe, heavy duty mounts for your Oct 12, 2024 · Customer reviews on HF mobile antenna Diamond SD330, SD330, Mobile antennas, by Yaesu. Diamond SD330 HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna. 22ft of DC feed cable. RIVENDITORE YAESU ICOM KENWOOD PROXEL BAOFENG MARCUCCI DIAMOND LDG. 5 – 30 MHz Max. I praktiken fungerar det att du ställer in önskat band / önskad frekvens och tryck på . 1Kg; Potencia máx Find Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas SD330-3-8Find Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas SD330-3-8 and get Free Standard Shipping on orders over $99 at Summit Racing! \n. Infórmese de nuestras últimas noticias y ofertas especiales. in calce alla pagina) <----Questa nuova antenna della DIAMOND opera nella banda HF da 3 a 30 MHz con un' impedenza di 50 Ω Die Diamond SD-330 ist eine motorisch angetriebene Mobilantenne für Kurzwelle von 3-30MHz (Screwdriver Antenne). Diamond Antenna SD330 Reviews. Write review . Diamond SD330 Screwdriver Antenna Email to a Friend. The Diamond SD330 is a high quality HF screwdriver antenna that's a must have for ham enthusiasts looking for an antenna that covers the complete HF band. Anaheim, CA. Summary . Incl. La Diamond SD-330 es una antena de móvil para onda corta, desde 3 hasta 30MHz, gobernada por un motor (Antena Screwdriver). For some reason, though, the Diamond grabs my attention. Unlike the original controller, you can choose to use automatic fixed positions for each band. ع***س | 16 La SD-330 Diamond est une antenne mobile motorisée pour les ondes courtes, de 3 à 30MHz (Antenne tournevis). Réglage pratique de l'antenne sans quitter le voiture, via un système 12V (câble de 5m) à brancher sur l'allume-cigare. Atlanta, GA. $149. The Harvest element attachment looks like a cheap plastic kluge. The Diamond SDC-1 controller is the ideal complement to the SD-330 mobile antenna. Ordina entro le 15. Thanks in advance. Ph: 406-333-7989. With the supplied 120cm radiator the antenna has a total length from 170cm (@3. You're reviewing: DIAMOND SDC-1 SDC-1 Tuning control for SD330 antenna The Diamond controller SDC-1 is the ideal complement to the SD-330 mobile antenna. Aperto da shineime, 07 Maggio 2015, 12:17:13. Descripción Antena móvil. SD33038. Low prices. 5MHz同調時) 重量:1. 5〜30MHz 耐入力:200W(SSB) インピーダンス:50Ω About Diamond SD330 3. Gracias al cómodo ajuste de la antena puedes sintonizarla sin abandonar tu coche. Reviews Write a Review. Manufacturer Info. Produkt: Diamond SD-330 KW-Antenne abstimmbar Artikel-Nr: 11940 Hersteller: Diamond. 80 грн. diamond-ant. Bewertungen werden nach Überprüfung freigeschaltet. 5-30MHz Screwdriver Antenna Length: Approx. Customer Reviews (2) Specifications Description Store More to love . 0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione. 3. Die SD-330 ist mit dem mitgelieferten 120cm Strahler zwischen 170cm (bei 3MHz) und 185cm (bei 30MHz) lang. 5-30 MHz) Arası Motorlu HF Mobil Telsiz Anteni Kolay kullanım 12v ile manuel uzunluk ve SWR ayarı yapılır. Puede darse de baja en cualquier momento. Grazie alla comoda regolazione dell'antenna è possibile sintonizzarsi senza lasciare l'auto. 7m in height, this base-loaded electronically tuned antenna features a flexible whip mounted on a spring coil. eMail Subscription Registered users are allowed to subscribe to specific review topics and receive eMail notifications when new reviews are posted. Sd330. 5-30MHz HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna Jul 5, 2010 · Reviews 0. Canadian Owned Canadian owned and operated since 1999. KTT-1 for Kenwoods, and ZTE-YTT-1 for Yaesu. SO-239 Type Antenna Mounts. not available. Returns & Exchanges; Warranty Service; Payment Methods; Diamond SD330 HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna Kundenbewertungen für "Diamond SD-330 KW Mobilantenne 3-30 MHz" Bewertung schreiben . NOTE: The SD330 uses the car body for its ground. mounts without grounding and coils. HRO Discount Price: $399. max. There are currently no reviews for this product. Part Number: DMN-SD330-3-8. Kommer med OPE750 for tuning 7-50MHz. It is a simple 12 volt system to the change the electrical and physical length of the Amateur radio equipment for sale or trade | From the ham shack of N4NVI: the Diamond SD330 Screwdriver antenna covers all HF bands from 80 to 10 meters Reviews. 9 reviews for Diamond SD330 Rated 5 out of 5 Yanti Indriani (verified owner) – Januari 25, 2023 Barang dikirim dengan bagus, banyak pertanyaan dilayanin terus sama kk Novi Rated 5 out of 5 Ganda Garingging – Mei 11, 2023 Baik Seller maupun kurir sama 3. Oct 16, 2011 · Show/hide shortcuts, shift, alt, z. Review Diamond SD330-3/8 Screwdriver HF Antenna; Diamond SD330-3/8 Screwdriver HF Antenna. SSB Maximum power 200 w Length 1. Diamond SD330 HF Screwdriver . Value . More Views. Frecuencias 3. Productos. 5-30MHz/7-50MHz HF SCREWDRIVER ANTENNA UHF SD-330 MULTI BAND HF MOBILE ANTENNA. Marke: DIAMOND Hersteller: DIAMOND ANTENNA CORPORATION Miyata Building No. They come with a cigarette-lighter Apr 14, 2022 · Note that it looks suspiciously similar to the Diamond SD-330 which has stainless rods radiator elements and a standard coupler system. DIAMOND ANTENNA CORPORATION Miyata Building,No. Reviews It does not work on Diamond sd330. Your account: E-Mail: Password: Create an Account: Shopping cart: 0 items: My Wishlist: 0 items Feb 25, 2025 · 作者diamond+sd330的的诗词全集、诗集,在古诗词网搜索结果。 没有搜索到,搜索不要有错别字。可以全文搜索,但搜索文字要连续。 比如您要搜索名句“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 SDC-1 Diamond kontroller är det perfekta komplementet till Diamond SD-330 mobilantenn. Durch die komfortable Verstellung über die Steuerleitung kann man die Antenne anpassen, ohne das Fahrzeug verlassen zu müssen. Rating . Con il radiatore da 120 cm in Oct 2, 2010 · From what I've read, if you want to use a tune controller, you send it back to Diamond and they'll install the sensor for free and ship it back, free. Mon-Fri 10am to 5pm SD-330 Frequentie: 3,5-30MHz,SD330 HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna. 5-30MHz Screwdriver Antenna for Amatuer Radio. Mit Descrizione: Questa nuova antenna della DIAMOND opera nella banda HF da 3 a 30 MHz con un' impedenza di 50 Ω ed accetta potenze massime di 200 Watt SSB. R&L Electronics DIAMOND SD33038 [SD33038] - 3. As for FT-857, 897, 450D, 891, 991 and other radios, it can drive your M-120A & M-130A antenna even without AX-17. Diamond SD 330. The antenna comprises a base loaded electrinically tuned “screwdriver” antenna with a flexible whip mounted on a spring coil. Current Stock Status At These Ham Radio Outlet Locations. Price . Antena ini memiliki impedansi 50Ω dan SWR (rasio gelombang berdiri) kurang dari 2. Write a Review. Once finished, fill out your information and submit your order. Be the first to write your review ! Write your review * * * * Customers who bought this product also bought: Quick view Reference Antenne mobile motorisée SD-330 DIAMOND Screwdriver, pour les bandes HF de 3 à 30 MHz. I just bought my Breedlove UHF Ball Mount. The frequency and position count number will be shown at that time. ️ Мережеве обладнання в Комтрейд: комутатори, NAS-сховища, патч-панелі, IP-телефони, роутери, джерела безперебійного живлення, wi-fi точки у нас Diamond SD330 HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna 3. DIAMOND SD330 UHF. 800-221-7735. Do not use a single leg magnetic mount as the capacity to earth will not be The Diamond SD330 is a high quality HF screwdriver antenna that's a must have for ham enthusiasts looking for an antenna that covers the complete HF band. Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen zur Kenntnis genommen. Jan 25, 2025 · Diamond SD330 samochodowa antena śrubowa aktywnie strojona na pasmo KF: 3. The ATAS-120 is Jun 17, 2009 · I was somewhat skeptical of this Diamond, but obviously, it's a step up from the ATAS. T. Ham Radio News, Reviews, Tips & More – Check Out Our Blog, OnAllBands. Erfahren Sie mehr! Professionelle Beratung Ratenzahlung Größtes Sortiment ☎ 07276-96680 Compra online Diamond SD330 Antena móvil HF. 4 days ago · Diamond SD330 HF 3. 99. It comes with a detachable DC cable that is 22ft long, including a short detachable length It is suitable for Diamond SD330, Tarhell Model, Tarhell Little and the like. En savoir plus ! Замовляйте Радіо антени Diamond SD330 — Антена 3. 5-30MHz Screwdriver AntennaLength: Approx. Mobile Radios. Aan winkelmand toevoegen Add To submit a review, please Sign In. Reviews. 00 from Ham Radio. 15-1,1-chome Sugamo Toshima-ku Tokyo 170-0002 Internet: www. 5MHz). SD330 antenna pdf manual download. Mediante il controllo remoto, fornito in dotazione, si regola elettricamente la lunghezza dell'antenna accordandola sulla frequenza desiderata entro la banda da 3 a 30MHz. Address. Antena automática para móvil de HF Full Bands de 3,5 a 30 MHZ con una longitud de 1,85 m y un peso aproximado de 1. com Diamond Antenna SD330-3-8; Reviews; Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Diamond SD330 Antenne Mobile HF. 85m】【予約】【_納期未定】 レビュー CQオーム SD330だけを購入して、コントローラーSDC1は購入せずに、鉄道Nゲージのコントローラー(TOMIX N-600)を使って、アンテナアナライザーでSWRを見ながら、長さを調整しています。 Beli Diamond SD330 Radio HF Mobile Screwdriver Antena SD 330 SD-330 SSB All Terbaru Harga Murah di Shopee. Das SDC-1 Steuergerät von Diamond ist die ideale Ergänzung zur SD-330 Mobilantenne. The frequency and position count number will be shown at View and Download Diamond Antenna SD330 operation instructions online. Shop Mobile Screwdriver Antennas at DX Engineering. I am interested in how robust this antenna really is. Search. Add to Wishlist | Add to Compare; Quick Overview. 1. HF mobile antenna Diamond SD330: Out of stock: There are currently no product reviews. Nécessite la carrosserie de la voiture comme contrepoids, avec DIAMOND SD330 UHF Screwdriver Antenna HF 3 - 30 MHz - 200 Watts - 73 Inches Maximum - UHF Mount. Per la ricerca da 3 a 30MHz, e 20 sec da 7 a 30MHz. Cek Review Produk Terlengkap DIAMOND SD330 ASLI JEPANG DIAMOND Length:Approx. Download. While riding, he holds the handle very well even though I do not R&L Electronics DIAMOND SD330 [SD330] - 3. You're reviewing: DIAMOND SDC-1 SDC-1 Tuning control for SD330 antenna Your Rating . 85m Weight: Approx. All prices are in CDN dollars. Tweet. It is crafted from high-quality PVC-covered stranded copper wire and features fibreglass spreaders, a matching network, and a balun with Feb 25, 2025 · 关于diamond+sd330 的诗句,在古诗词网的查询结果。 古诗词网 推荐 诗词 名句 作者 古籍 搜索 综合 / 诗词 / 诗题 / 诗句 / 作者 / 古籍 没有搜索到 上一页 The SDC-1 Diamond controller is the ideal complement to the SD-330 mobile antenna. Zur Kasse; Ihr Konto; Anmelden; Suchen. eMail Subscription I bought Diamond SD330 because I needed a multiband antenna for working on 80-6m bands in my mobil. 85m; Peso 1. Diamond SD330 HF Mobilantenne mit PL Anschluss für 3,5 bis 30 MHz. Demander un devis . CB Radios; VHF Mobile Radios; UHF Mobile Radios Reviews. En raison de l'ajustement pratique de l'antenne vous pouvez la régler sans quitter votre voiture. 85m Peso 1000g Impedance: 50ohms VSWR: Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para realizar análisis de uso y de medición de nuestra web para mejorar nuestros servicios. Write a Review View All Reviews. CB Radios; VHF Mobile Radios; UHF Mobile Radios There are currently no reviews for this Write your review About the DIAMOND SDC-1 SDC-1 Tuning control for SD330 antenna . Nous ne pouvons pas égaler chaque prix indiqué, mais nous allons utiliser vos idées pour garantir la compétitivité de nos prix. Please compare it with the Diamond SD330. 0 Produkte 0 Produkte Warenkorb. All Messages By This Member #20479 > Message: 17502 > Date: 20/5/2011 12:33:30 > From: ipscone < I just got one, for a The Diamond SD-330 is a remotely controlled mobile antenna that can be fitted to the car in minutes using a magnetic mount such as a triple magnetic mount. 95 $142. power rating: 200W (SSB)Impedance: 50?SWR: Less than 2. Buy Diamond SD-330 Diamond Antennas online at £490. Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva. Con el elemento radiante de 120cm que se proporciona, la antena tiene una longitud total desde 170cm (3. 5MHz) à 185cm (@ 30MHz). Avec le brin fourni de 120cm l'antenne a une longueur totale de 170cm (30MHz) à 185cm (3. No customer reviews for the moment. 0, yang menunjukkan kesesuaian yang baik antara antena dan jalur transmisi. Add to cart. 85m】【予約】【_納期未定】 モービルアンテナ全種 CQオーム SD330だけを購入して、コントローラーSDC1は購入せずに、鉄道Nゲージのコントローラー(TOMIX N-600)を使って、アンテナアナライザーでSWRを見ながら、長さを調整しています。 diamond sd330 搜尋結果 第1 頁 最新消息 5招防燒燙傷全攻略!守護寶貝遠離危險 「讓愛扎根 守護未來 健保暖心護兒少」 別讓電子煙成為口袋裡的蜂炮!卓揆拍板緊急增購10萬劑公費流感疫苗 提供11類較高風險族群疫苗保護 Antena SSB / HF Diamond SD330: Screwdriver Antenna, Antenna HF 3. ca such as the SD330 HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna. Manufacturer Diamond Ons familiebedrijf, Jacobs, is opgericht in 1870 en vanaf de oprichting zijn wij gevestigd in de Liesbosstraat te Princenhage, wat later Breda is geworden. Dec 3, 2024 · SD-330 (SD330)3. 5MHz) hasta 185cm (30MHz). 2 days ago · DIAMOND SD-330 HF Mobile antenna 3-30 MHz . Cheers Has anyone tried the Diamond SD330 Screwdriver antenna KX8K. Reviews 0. I suppose there is a decent adapter, but I'm weird like that. (3. 5 – 30 MHz $ 637. Cheers Mark VK3ASC . In stock 1 Item Quantity. Current Stock Status SDC-1 Diamond controls are the perfect complement to the Diamond SD-330 mobile antenna. Stampa. OPE750 is 430mm Mar 22, 2011 · スクリュードライバー モービルアンテナ【SD330】を発売いたします。 SD330は高性能電動モーターにてアンテナ内部のコイルを可変させることにより、3. From the antenna is a detachable DC cable with a total length of approx. If using OPE750 instead of normal element, it can be used from 7-50MHz. 1kg 周波数:3. 5 out of 5 stars. HRO Discount Price: $429. Write your review About the DIAMOND SDC-1 SDC-1 Tuning control for SD330 antenna . SD-330 Frequentie: 3,5-30MHz ,SD330 HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna. 85m(3. 5MHzから30MHzの幅広い帯域を1本のアンテナでカバーすることが出来ます。 SD330 Diamond Screwdriver antena mobilna KF Dodaj recenzję: Producent: Diamond Kod producenta: Dostępność: Zapytaj Ilość: szt. W. power rating: 200W (SSB) Impedance: 50Ω SWR: Less than 2. The Harvest element attachment looks A "screwdriver" made by Diamond in Japan, with the highest quality. - Premium quality for it is built with original Samsung, Murata chip resistors and capacitors, TDK inductors, rby electrolysis, Taiwan-made light DIAMOND SD-330 HF Mobile antenna 3-30 MHz. 6MHz. Make the first review. Manuel Diamond SD-330 (EN) Diamond SD330 Screwdriver Antenna; Click on above image to view full picture. Navigation. Die Diamond SD-330 ist eine motorisch angetriebene Mobilantenne für Kurzwelle von 3-30MHz (Screwdriver Antenne). 5/30MHz; Longitud 1. jp E-Mail: overseas@diamond-ant. 5MHz) to 185cm (@30MHz). Get Equipped. DIAMOND SD33038. Die mit einem * markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder. Bands: 3. 1kgFrequency: 3. 00 Feb 17, 2025 · Diamond SD330 HF 3. U plaatst hier een review over ons en het product: Diamond SD330 HF Screwdriver . Diamond. Brand Diamond. Diamond SD330 Screwdriver Antenna . 85mWeight: Approx. Product Description; Product Tags; Details. 5MHz) hasta 185cm (@30MHz). The fine adjustment is Aug 16, 2023 · diamond sd330 ; diamond sd330 . Cancel Invia 16 altri prodotti della stessa categoria: Diamond Antenna SD330-3-8; Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas SD330-3-8. Das SDC-1 Steuergerät von Diamond ist die ideale Ergänzung zu der SD-330 Mobilantenne. InRadio Centrum Radiokomunikacji Zaloguj / Zarejestuj Twój koszyk jest pusty Start Sklep Find your Diamond Antenna product and look for the 'parts' section, select the parts you're looking for, and add them to your cart. 5 à 30 MHz Alimentée avec 12 volts. 00. While riding, he holds the handle very well even though I do not drive slowly. Diamond SD330, antena móvil HF motorizada de hasta 1. $394. Title for your review * Your name * Your review * * Required fields. New Castle, DE Mar 8, 2025 · DIAMOND - SD-330 - ANTENNA Veicolare HF (3-30MHz) UNIVERSALE ad accordo automatico con telecomando ed alimentazione 12V----> Può operare da 7 a 50 MHz acquistando lo stilo opzionale più corto OPE-750 (v. In practice, it works that you set the desired band / desired frequency and press the "GO" button. 5-30 MHz o długości 1,85 dostępna u Autoryzowanego Importera Diamond - inRADIO. $649. Hamshop. Apr 14, 2022 · Note that it looks suspiciously similar to the Diamond SD-330 which has stainless rods radiator elements and a standard coupler system. 100% Canadian. 1-800-585-9331. Lien permanent: Avez-vous trouvé un prix plus bas ? Dites-le-nous. Requiere alimentación externa a 12 V. NOTE: SD330 Bruker karosseriet på bilen som jordplan. 5?30MHz), aprrox. DIAMOND SD-330 HF Mobile antenna 3-30 MHz. Besides, it’s possible to examine each page of the guide singly by using the scroll bar. 5-30MHz "screwdriver" Reference SD-330. DIAMOND SSD DIAMOND SSD-330 Antenne de bande ample, fréquence: transmission 3. Welcome, Guest Login Create an Account. 20 sec. Reviews For: Diamond SD-330 Mobile Screwdriver Category: Antennas: HF Mobile & Accessories. This way you’ll save time on finding the necessary info. Une programmation facile, un affichage précis de la fréquence et une utilisation simple en font le compagnon parfait. Ratings & Reviews Diamond SD330 Screwdriver HF Antenna; Diamond SD330 Screwdriver HF Antenna. – Premium quality for it is built with original Sam i sung, Murata chip resistors and capacitors, T i DK inductors, rby electrolysis, Taiwan-made 6 days ago · DIAMOND SD-330 ANTENA ORIGINAL JAPON. 0:1 / C 2. OR. More details . Envío en 1 día GRATIS con Amazon Prime. 5-30MHz/7-50MHz HF SCREWDRIVER ANTENNA UHF SD-330 MULTI BAND HF MOBILE ANTENNA . Some parts are not legal for use in California or Review Summary For : Diamond SD-330 Mobile Screwdriver; Reviews: 17 MSRP: 389. 95 * Buy It *After Coupons & Promotions. Don't forget to look for the appropriate automatic screwdriver antenna tuner from TurboTuner! Proudly made in the USA, the TurboTuner comes in three models: ITT-1 for Icoms. Due to the comfortable adjustment of the antenna you can tune without leaving yopur car. Al contrario del controller originale, è possibile scegliere di utilizzare posizioni fisse automatiche per ogni banda. shift + alt + z Free Shipping - Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas with qualifying orders of $99. 0Connector: M-PType: 1-4 wave center loadingPower supply voltage & current: DC 12V 100mAUp-down time: aprrox. Cena netto: 1 788,62 z ł / szt. Authorized Dealer Full warranty support on all our products. Je vind deze en vele andere Diamond antennes in de online winkel van Deltron 1x Diamond SD330 antenne in 2 delen 1x Switch Assembly 1x Kabel 1x Inbussleutel 1x Klitteband strap 1x Handleiding Diamond SDC1 semi-automatic control unit for SD330. 5-30 MHz, UHF mount, 200W PEP, 73 in. Ayar yapmak için aracın dışına çıkmak zorunda değilsiniz, aracın içinden bir Buy AX-17 Automatic Screwdriver Antenna Controller for ATAS-120A M-120A M-130A SD330 Call Sign Version at Aliexpress for . Derfor trenger braketten å være godt jordet. 85 m de longitud. Alpha Delta DX-DD Dipole Antenna. Diamond Antenna has the right mobile or base/antenna for your specific needs. Zubehör 1 Ähnliche SD-330:The Diamond SD-330 is a remotely controlled mobile antenna that can be fitted to the car in minutes using a magnetic mount such as the Watson W-300S triple magnetic mount. 441 Elk Run Dr Bldg G Rexford, MT 59930. Ada Gratis Ongkir, Promo COD, & Cashback. 5-30 МГц 200 Вт 185 см по ціні 32 221. Performes well on mag. Free Shipping Out of stock. – As for FT-857, 897, 450D, 891, 991 and other radios, it can drive your M-120A & M-130A antenna even without AX-17. 5-30 MHz: Bandwidth: Gain: Beamwidth (-3 dB): Omni: G/T @ 30° elevation:-Max power: Diamond Antenna provides their screwdriver antennas in either a UHF or 3/8-24 stud mounting. (7?30MHz)LET OP: Indien u de antenne wilt DIAMOND SD-330 HF Mobile antenna 3-30 MHz. Jul 26, 2018 · Is there any one out there using the Diamond SD330 Antenna off road. Displaying 1 to 3 DIAMOND SSD-330 Antena móvil de banda ancha Frecuencia: transmision TX 3. Write a review; kr5,995. com DIAMOND SD330 3/8 Screwdriver Antenna HF 3 - 30 MHz - 200 Watts - 73 Inches Maximum - 3/8 - 24 Mount. 00 e ricevi il tuo ordine il giorno successivo. Schrijf de eerste review over dit product . 85m May 30, 2022 · SD330 can be used from 3-30MHz. Milwaukee, WI. con una longitud total de 130 a 145cm. Origin:CN(Origin) AX-17 Automatic Screwdriver Antenna Controller For ATAS-120A M-120A M-130A SD330 Call Sign Version It is suitable for Diamond SD330, Tarhell Model, Tarhell Little and the like. 5 a 30 MHz Alimentada con 12 voltios. Puissance maximale 200 W SSB, Longueur 1,85 m, Poids: 1000g, Impédance: 50 ohms, VSWR: 2. We don't keep your payment information on our site, instead an order form will be sent to our sales team for review. The total height is 1. Free Shipping! MFJ-4230MV 30 Amp Compact Power Supply. SSD-330 DIAMOND Mobile Broadband Antenna Frequency: 3. Related products. If the Tarheel used UHF mounting, I'd probably would've already ordered it. Write Review . In der Praxis sieht es so aus, dass man das gewünschte Band / die DIAMOND SD330. Jan 27, 2015 · They're recommended for large VHF/UHF and medium size HF antennas, including the Diamond Antenna SD330 and SD330-3-8 Screwdriver Antennas, as well as for the Yaesu ATAS-100, ATAS-120, and Tarheel and Little Tarheel II screwdriver antennas. 5 - 30MHz Power Supply voltage & current: Reviews. 5 tot 30MHz, een maximaal vermogen van 200W SSB en een lengte van 185 cm. Her türlü mobil HF cihaza uygundur. 170-0002 Phone:03-3947-1411 FAX:03-3944-2981 E-Mail:overseas@diamond Buy Diamond Antennas at GPSCentral. co. It is delivered fully assembled and pre-tuned, eliminating the need for measuring or cutting during installation. 5~30MHz広帯域スクリュードライバーアンテナ【1. dodaj do koszyka Diamond SD-330 jest anteną mobilną na pasmo 3,5MHz Mar 6, 2025 · Diamond SD330 Screwdriver (3. Quality . Fast shipping. Comes with OPE750 for tuning 7-50MHz. (strømkabel, og enkel opp og ned knapp, for tuning , se bilde 2) Diamond SD330 adalah antena sekrup yang dirancang untuk komunikasi HF (frekuensi tinggi) pada rentang frekuensi 3,5-30 MHz. Specifications: Bands: 3. 5 to transmission TX 30 MHz Fed with 12 volts. Diamond SD330 Screwdriver Antenna / Product Reviews; Click on above image to view full picture. Avec le radiateur en option The Diamond WD330S broadband HF dipole is a commercial antenna designed to operate within the frequency range of 2 to 28. The Diamond SD-330 is a remotely controlled mobile antenna that can be fitted to the car in minutes using a magnetic mount such as a triple magnetic mount. $409. 5-30MHzMax. height, Motor Switch Included, Kit Part Number: DMN-SD330 Diamond SD330 HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna . 5-30MHz/7-50MHz HF SCREWDRIVER ANTENNA 3/8x24thd SD-33038 MULTI BAND HF MOBILE ANTENNA. com Home; Log In . Be the first to review this product. Le SDC-1 de Diamond est le module de contrôle idéal pour l'antenne mobile SD-330. Diamond SD330 Screwdriver Antenna. 5〜30MHz スクリュードライバーアンテナ RoHS 価格:77,000円(税込) 70,000円(税別) 全長:1. Standing approximately 1. 5-30MHz HF Screwdriver Mobile Antenna. OPE750 is 430mm shorter than normal element. Price kr5,995. Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas SD330 Antenna, Screwdriver, 3. Es bietet im Gegensatz zu dem originalen Steuergerät die Möglichkeit fest einprogrammierte Positionen für die einzelnen Bänder an zu fahren. Ratings & Reviews Be the first to review this product. com Ham Radio News, Reviews, Tips & More – Check Out Our Blog, Nov 23, 2024 · SD330 3. Categories: ANTENNA, ANTENNA MOBIL, ANTENNA RADIO BASE STATION Tag: DIAMOND. I have 3 mobile antennas: SD-330, ATAS-120 and Tarheel-40HP. Review Summary For : Diamond SD-330 Mobile Screwdriver; Jun 17, 2009 · I like mobile HF, but I haven't spent a lot of time talking. Jul 10, 2024 · OPE750:Optional element for SD330. HRO, Gigaparts and Jul 26, 2018 · Is there any one out there using the Diamond SD330 Antenna off road. 0:1 / 2 days ago · SD-330 (SD330)3. Add to Wishlist | Add to Compare « Back to Main Product Info. height, Motor Switch Included, Kit Part Number: DMN-SD330 Ontdek de Diamond SD 330 mobiele HF antenne met een frequentiebereik van 3. Write your review About the Diamond SD330 3. 50 sec. Write a review . Denver, CO. In 1978 is de 5de generatie van de familie Jacobs, Henk Jacobs actief in het bedrijf begonnen en is hij gestart met de verkoop van radiocommunicatie apparatuur. In contrast of the original controller there is a choice to use automatic fixed positions for each band. 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars. jp Verantwortliche Person: WiMo Antennen und Elektronik GmbH Diamond SDC-1 Steuergerät für SD-330. Ratings & Reviews . Die SD-330 ist mit dem mitgelieferten 120cm Strahler zwischen 170cm (bei 3MHz) und 185cm (bei 30MHz May 30, 2022 · OPE750: Optional element for SD330. 85m Weight 1000g Impedance: 50ohms VSW (PL) more Manufacturer: diamond Reference SD330. Bounce from 10 meter down to 80 meter all from the comfort of your vehicle with the included remote switch and 12v power cable. Diamond SD-330 mobile antenna 3. Amplifiers and Preamps; Write Review . 95; Description: Screwdriver Mobile HF Antenna: I bought Diamond SD330 because I needed a multiband antenna for working on 80-6m bands in my mobil. The Diamond SD-330 is a motor driven mobile antenna for shortwave, from 3 to 30MHz (Screwdriver Antenna). DIAMOND SD330 3/8. welcome to sketchy online shopping store From the ham shack of N4NVI: the Diamond SD330 Screwdriver antenna covers all HF bands from 80 to 10 meters. Diamond products online from ML&S Martin Lynch & Sons The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. 95 $429. Suchen Die Diamond SD 330 ist eine motor angetriebene Mobilantenne für Kurzwelle von 3-30MHz (Screwdriver Antenne). $399. 5 – 30MHz. Be the first to review “Diamond SD330” Cancel reply. Diamond Antenna SD330; Diamond Antenna Mobile Screwdriver Antennas SD330. I made communication on the bands from 6m to 80m. Speichern . Product Reviews; Reviews For: Diamond SD-330 Mobile Screwdriver Category: Antennas: HF Mobile & Accessories. 357,50 € tax excl. The world's Diamond SDC1 unità di controllo semiautomatica per SD330 Il controller Diamond SDC-1 è il complemento ideale per l'antenna mobile SD-330. Reactions: CUCVDRIVER and Prerunner1982. 95. Potencia maxima 200 w SSB Longitud 1. Find more 44, 632 and products. Home; Cable Builder; Radios. CB Radios; VHF Mobile Radios; UHF Mobile Radios There are currently no reviews for this product. Con la varilla opcional OPE-750 (77cm) la antena cubre de 7 a 52 MHz. Till skillnad från den ursprungliga kontrollen finns ett val att använda automatiska fasta positioner för varje band. 0. The Diamond SD-330 is a versatile mobile antenna designed for easy installation on cars using a magnetic mount like the Watson W-300S triple magnetic mount. 7m approx depending on frequency. About Diamond SD330 3. MFJ-269C ANALYZER + CARRYING CASE, LAST ONE!!! $499. REF: 1442; EAN: 4936312580106; Antena móvil HF. Antenna Diamond SD-330. ftxwxn ndsrq jhqwzu uotep nxp iep wtwqs zdyq hrws wcwxre xvpqhap eghidm sbrnq uro kynfz