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True Scholarship Fund | Helping everyone have a chance

True Scholarship Fund

The purpose of the True Scholarship Fund 501(c)(3) is to provide a way for people who may have difficulty improving their future. We want to help natural healing arts of massage therapy help communities.  You can help people who are seeking refuge from pains they may have been suffering for years or even decades… BEFORE they turn to opioids such as Fentanyl. Massage increases the body produce its own NATURAL endogenous opioids. This reduces the need for them to seek other remedies to mitigate their pain. The CDC estimates opioid misuse costs the United States $78.5 Billion a year. This has resulted in an estimated 69,029 people dying in 2019. That is a 31% increase from 2017. Not only that, 80% of people who use heroin, started by misusing prescription opioids such as Fentanyl.  High school students are encouraged to apply. Qualifications are a 3.0 GPA or higher and no previous convictions of violent or drug nature. The True Scholarship Fund will directly fund students at The School of True Massage Therapy at the beginning of each module as long as the student maintains above a 3.0 GPA and above a 92% attendance rate. Exceptions may be made in the events of doctors notes, pregnancies, accidents, etc. ...